Health Office » Medication Policy

Medication Policy

Medication Policy
In accordance with California Educational Code 49423 – 49423.1, the School Nurse or other designated school personnel can assist students who need to take medication during the school day. In order for ANY PRESCRIPTION or OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATION to be taken at school, the following requirements MUST be adhered to:
  1. The Physician’s Recommendation for Medication Form must be completed by the child’s doctor, signed by the parent/guardian, and submitted to the Nurse’s Office. A new form is required EACH school year. Blank forms are available in the Nurse’s Office. Faxes are acceptable.
  2. It is the parents’ responsibility to provide any medications to the School Nurse. Medications must be brought to school in the prescription bottles appropriately labeled with the name of the student, name of the medication, amount and time to be administered, and the prescribing doctor’s name. Over-the counter medications (such as Tylenol, Midol, Benadryl, etc.) must be in their original containers. Medications will be kept locked in the Nurse’s Office.
  3. ALL medications must not expire before the end of the current school year.
  4. Changes in medication or dosage or the discontinuation of the medication must be submitted by the doctor in writing to the School Nurse.
  5. The ONLY medications that students are allowed to carry and self-administer are asthma inhalers and Epi-Pens. The Physician’s Recommendation for Medication Form must still be completed and be on file in the Nurse’s Office. It is suggested that you also provide “back-up” medication to be kept locked in the Nurse’s Office. Misuse of any medication will not be tolerated and the student will be subject to severe disciplinary action.

If your child has a chronic medical condition and takes medication that is not readily available at school, it is recommended that you provide the School Nurse with a 72 hour supply of medications in the event of a major disaster.