About Us » School Site Council

School Site Council

What is a School Site Council (SSC)?
The primary task of the SSC is to ensure that the school is continually engaged in identifying and implementing curriculum and instructional practices that result in both strengthening the core academic program and ensuring that students have access to and success in that program. This core program should embody the district’s curriculum, which itself should reflect the state frameworks and curriculum standards. 
What does the SSC do?
The SSC is tasked with developing and approving the CCHS school plan for student achievement (SPSA) using the budgeted supplemental resources to increase our Centaurs' success in learning the core curriculum. The school’s improvement effort is coordinated with the district’s effort to upgrade its curriculum offerings and instruction quality so that the school, through the SSC, and the local governing board, through the district office, becomes part of a single improvement effort. This unification requires that the staff of the district office and the SSC establish and maintain formal lines of communication to ensure that they engage in efforts that support and reinforce a common goal. These common goals are called LCAP goals. CCUSD has 7 LCAP goals and each goal and associated actions are found in the CCHS SPSA.

What is a SPSA?

In California schools, the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)*is a comprehensive plan developed by each school to improve the academic performance of all students. It outlines the strategies and actions a school will implement to meet its specific academic goals, particularly focusing on closing achievement gaps and improving student outcomes. For more information, visit the California Department of Education's page on the SPSA: https://www.cde.ca.gov/re/lc/spsalcapplansummary.asp