California Community Colleges
- 110 colleges statewide
- Apply in the Spring of 12th grade
- Associate of Arts/Associate of Science degree
- Vocational Certertificates
- Transfer options to 4 year universities
- $46.00 a unit
- average class is 3 units = $ 138 per class
- Average students enrolls in 12 units per semester = $552 per semester
- No subject Requirements
- Must be 18 years old
- or high school graduate
- No SAT or ACT required
Have you heard of the California Promise? The rising cost of education is on the minds of many families as they worry about going into debt. Not to mention, the competitive nature of freshmen admissions across the country. This is a great way for families to consider another path to obtaining a college degree. So what is the California Promise? If a student enrolls to attend a California Community College, is a full time student and submits their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (regardless of income), they will be considered a California Promise student. They will be granted two years of college for FREE! Students do not have to submit an additional application but simply meet the requirements.
If you are planning on attending a community college it is important to know about TAG. Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) is a program that offers students from a community college guaranteed admissions to several colleges and universities. TAG’s are a contract that enables qualified students to be guaranteed admissions one year prior to transfer. Students can secure guaranteed admission to a variety of UC, CSU, and private colleges. Students can start their application at anytime but starting early never hurts. The UC’s have a Transfer Admission Planner (TAP) this enables students to list and plan out their requirements. How do you get a TAG? TAG’s are due during the fall between September 1 – 30. These TAG’s are typically submitted upon completion of 30 transferable units. However, you must meet certain requirements and deadlines, and in some cases, fill out a contract. To meet TAG requirements you must go directly to the UC, Cal State or Private school admissions website for information on their TAG. They will list their individual requirements for each major and GPA requirements. If interested start exploring your options early so that you can meet your TAG.
- UC’s participating: UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz
- CAL States: Associate Degree for Transfer Requirements (ADT) check with individual community colleges for their individual ADT and requirements.
- California Private Colleges: Concordia University, Loyola Marymount University, National University, Notre Dame de Namur University, Palo Alto University, Pepperdine University, Santa Clara University, Whittier College, LA Film School
- Out of State: Arizona State and Western Oregon University
- Historically Black Colleges and University: 35 participating Institutions.