Summer School » 2024 Summer School

2024 Summer School

Applications need to be turned into Ms. Hogan in the Guidance Office. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Students will be able to attend Summer School 2024 on the following dates: 
The following classes will be offered: 
Attendance is critical. Please make note of the following attendance policies, as they differ from the
school year:
  1. Students who do not show for the first day of summer school may lose their spot to a student on
    the wait list. (Persons with extenuating circumstances must make prior arrangements with the
    Summer School Principal.)
  2. Students who miss more than 1.5 days will most likely NOT earn credits. Keep in mind 3
    tardies to a class equals one absence.
  3. Students may be dropped from the course after missing 1.5 days of class. 
  4. There are no “acceptable” absences in summer school. Attendance is mandatory. If vacations are
    planned during the time that summer school is in session, please do not enroll your student.