Ocana, Josh » Links


Here is a direct link to our Algebra 1 Google Classroom. You will be prompted to sign in to your student email (if you had not done so already) and the class will only be visible to those who have already joined. If you need to join the Google Classroom, send me an email directly so I can add you to the course.
This is a direct link to our Google Classroom for Algebra Support. Upon entering the website you will be prompted to sign in to your students account (if you have not done so). This will also only work if you have already been added to the class. If you have not been added to the class yet send me an email directly so I can add you to the class.
This is a direct link to our Google Classroom for Algebra Support. Upon entering the website you will be prompted to sign in to your students account (if you have not done so). This will also only work if you have already been added to the class. If you have not been added to the class yet send me an email directly so I can add you to the class.