Grade-Level Specific
  • 9th grade: takes health over summer to make room for AVID
  • 10th grade: has two options - 0 period or pushing PE to 11/12th grade year
  • 11th grade: Take on at least one AP classes
  • 12th grade: Apply to at least 2 UC's, 2 Cal States; 2 Private Schools
General Recruitment
  • Classroom Visits
  • Teacher recommendations/ conferencing w/ individual students 
  • Counselor recommendations/ conferencing w/ individual students
  • Data pull for students who could benefit from program --> invited to a meeting during CP flex
  • Scheduling and Club Fairs 
  • Google Form/Survey to see if there is interest in AVID, could be delivered through classroom or scheduling/club fair
  • AVID club does a meet and greet during CP flex
  • Grade Level Assemblies in Feb (there will be a 9/10 and 11/12)
  • February- recruitment from all angles
  • 3rd week of March- deadline for application
  • 3rd week of March- sort through - notices sent
  • Mid April interviews