Geometry H (Period 6) Assignments

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Study for Friday's Congruent Triangles Unit Exam!



Congruent Triangles: ASA and AAS Practice worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "ASA Triangle Congruence" section:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "AAS Triangle Congruence" section:
YouTube clip on Triangle Congruence theorems:
Review Notes/Practice problems on ASA & AAS Triangle Congruence Theorems:
Extra Practice problems:



Congruent Triangles: SSS and SAS Practice worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "SAS Triangle Congruence" section:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "SSS Triangle Congruence" section:
YouTube clip on Triangle Congruence theorems:
Review Notes/Lesson on SSS & SAS Triangle Congruence Theorems:
Extra Practice problems:
Extra Practice problems (answers):



Study for Friday's Unit 3 Triangle Theorems Exam! 



Study for Thursday's Unit 3 Angle Relationships Exam!



Triangle Midsegment Theorem Practice worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "Midsegments of Triangles" section:
YouTube clip on Triangle Midsegment theorem:
Review assignment: 
Extra Practice problems:



Isosceles Triangles & Equilateral Triangles Practice worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles" section:
Khan Academy video clip of an example of solving for angles using Isosceles Triangle theorem:
Review assignments: 
Extra Practice problems:
Extra Practice problems w/solutions:



Classifying Triangles & Angles of Triangles Practice worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "Interior and Exterior Angles " section:
Review assignment with Graphic Organizer:
Youtube clip on Triangle Angle Sum theorem & Exterior Angle theorem:
Extra Practice problems:



Proof Practice #4 worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "Proving Lines Parallel" section:
Youtube clip on Proving Lines Parallel:
Extra Practice problems on Proving Lines Parallel:
Review Notes on Proving Lines Parallel:



Angle Relationships: Parallel Line Transversal Practice (DOK 1) worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "Transversals & Parallel Lines" section:
Youtube clip on Transversals & Parallel Lines:
Extra Practice problems on Transversals & Parallel Lines:
Review Notes on Transversals & Parallel Lines:



Study for Friday's Unit 2 Exam!



Dilations on the Coordinate Plane (DOK 1) Practice worksheet



Multiple Transformations (Composition) on the Coordinate Plane Practice worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "Translations" & "Reflections" section:
Youtube clip on Translations:
Youtube clip on Rotations:
Extra Practice problems on Translations:
Extra Practice problems on Rotations:



Reflections on the Coordinate Plane Practice (DOK 1) worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "Reflections" section:
Youtube clips on Reflections:
Review Notes/Extra Practice problems on Reflections:



Sign and return "Acknowledgement" section of Geometry H 2019-2020 Syllabus



Angle Relationships Practice worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "Angles Formed by Intersecting Lines" section:
Youtube clip on Angle Relationships:
Review Notes/Extra Practice problems on Angle Relationships:



Intro to Coordinate Geometry: Distance, Midpoint, & Slope Formula Practice worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "Segment Length and Midpoints" section:
Youtube clip on Distance Formula, Slope Formula, & Midpoint Formula:
Extra Practice problems on Distance Formula, Slope Formula, & Midpoint Formula (Pages 1-3):



Equations of Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Practice worksheet
Here are some resources that may help with the assignment or students can use for extra practice:
HMH CA Geometry textbook online edition link to "Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines " section:
Youtube clip on Equations of Parallel & Perpendicular Lines:
Extra Practice problems on Equations of Parallel & Perpendicular Lines: