U.S. History (Period 3) Assignments

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Today we reviewed for the upcoming Fall Final Exam using Jeopardy! 



Today we finished discussing the "Effects of the Great Depression". We also watched a few film clips from Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath". Please study for your upcoming final exam! 



Today we finished discussing the causes and some of the effects of the Great Depression. 



Today we started Unit VI: 1930s and Great Depression. We looked at the attached PPT on the causes to the Great Depression. 



Marcus Garvey documents should be hi-lighted, annotated, and questions answered by today. 



Today students competed with each other in presenting their "Ode to the 1920s". Many students did a great job! We'll start Unit VI tomorrow. 



Today students took the Unit V Exam on the 1920s. Please remember to finish your Marcus Garvey documents if you have not already... they're due tomorrow! 
Please remember that tomorrow we'll also do our "Odes" competition! 



Today your "Ode to the 1920s" is due. You will share with a small group and if you're deemed the best of your group you will compete with others for extra credit! 



Today the "1920s Odes" were due. If you did not turn yours in on time I'll take it on Monday for 5 pts off. Please remember to study for Monday's Unit V Exam this weekend, the study guide is attached. Today we completed our discussion of the Harlem Renaissance which included some video and music as well. You can access the videos we watched in class by clicking on the pictures in which hyperlinks to the videos are. Lastly, I gave out three documents regarding Marcus Garvey and had students read, hi-light, and annotate the readings. They are then to answer the questions pertaining to each document. This is due TUESDAY (not Monday, I want students to focus on studying for their test). Enjoy your weekend! 



Today I "caught up" with the students after being out for two days due to attending a conference. I was a bit disappointed in some of the behavior of the students and had a discussion with them about making better choices. Next, I gave out the Fall Semester Study Guide. We then jumped back into things by discussing the Harlem Renaissance. We will continue with this tomorrow and hopefully my internet will work and I'll be able to show some of the video clips I wanted to today. That being said, the clips are hyperlinked to some of the pictures in the PPT so feel free to watch these clips at home. Please remember your "Ode to the 1920s" poem is due tomorrow. This can be written in 1st or 3rd person. 



Bring your textbook to class please!!! 



I was absent today due to attending a conference. Please complete the attachment below, you'll need your textbook or follow the link on my class website to the textbook online. 



Today students watched a video on the Scopes Trial. If you were absent I'll excuse you for it as long as your absence is cleared. 



Today I gave out the Unit V Study Guide (Test next Monday). We also briefly discussed the death of former President Bush as well as the Alaska earthquake. Next, we discussed the Changing Roles of Women and watched some videos. I will not be here tomorrow or Wednesday due to a conference. Please make sure you bring your textbooks on Wednesday. 



Today we finished discussing Prohibition and life in the Cities (notes, and two videos linked through the PPT). Next, we started discussing the Changing Roles of Women in the 1920s. 



Today we finished discussing Coolidge's presidency. Next, we stared discussing "Changing Ways of Life" and we'll finish this tomorrow. 



Today I assigned the "Ode to the 1920s" mini-project. The assignment and 1920s lingo/slang is attached below. It is due Friday, December 7th. Next, we discussed the presidencies of Harding and Coolidge. 



Today we took an Open-Note Quiz for WWI. If you were absent you'll need to make it up tomorrow. Next, students worked on the attached two documents pertaining to the Palmer Raids and answered questions in their notebooks. Students then shared their answers. 



Today we started Unit V: The 1920s. Today we discussed the social effects of WWI and attacks on Civil Liberties. Please remember to make sure you have all of your notes tomorrow for the Open-Note Quiz on the WWI Unit. You will not be able to share notes or go to your locker to get your notebook if you forget it. 



Today we discussed the end of WWI, including the Treaty of Versailles and the Fourteen Points. Please be prepared for the Open Note Quiz on Tuesday, November 27th. ENJOY YOUR THANKSGIVING!!!



Today we discussed the effects of WWI on Americans. 



Today we discussed and checked our answers to the long- and short-term causes of WWI as well as the reason for the U.S. entrance to WWI. We also discussed the U.S. Mobilization. Lastly, we listened to "Over There" and discussed the propaganda used in the song. 



Unit III Exam and DBQ today! 



Today students wrote their timed DBQ response on U.S. Imperialism in the Philippines. Next, students took their Imperialism and Progressivism QUEST. Please make sure to complete (as best you can) the "Causes of WWI" chart tonight (due tomorrow). 



Today students worked in groups to improve the pre-writing for tomorrow's DBQ. This can be used to help you respond to the DBQ tomorrow. Please remember you have the DBQ as well as the Unit III Exam tomorrow. Lastly, I gave out the attached chart on the long- and short-term causes of WWI. Please have this filled out as best you can (what your remember) by Friday when we'll go over it. 



Please complete Doc D! 



Today we started by discussing Document D of the HW in preparation for Thursday's in-class timed DBQ response. Please make sure to bring your DBQ packet tomorrow as you will be discussing possible thesis statements and evidence with a your peers. Next, we finished "Wilson's Progressivism". We also discussed the IDs from the Unit II Exam and what I was looking for to earn the most amount of points. Tonight, please make sure you've thought about your DBQ response (working thesis, evidence, document, etc.) to prepare for tomorrow. Also, you should be studying for Thursday's Unit III Exam. 



After discussing the answers and meaning of Doc C (HW due today) we finished up the last slide of TR's Progressivism. Next, we started and almost finished Progressivism under Taft and Wilson, as well as discussing the 1912 election. PLEASE complete Doc D for HW this weekend and make sure you're studying for the upcoming Unit III Exam (Next Thursday). THANK A VETERAN THIS VETERAN'S DAY! 



Document B is due today. 



Today we had a brief discussion about the various political events that have happened in our country over the past week or so. I fielded questions about these events and tried to explain as clearly as possible these events. Next, we discussed Document B of the Philippine DBQ Document Packet. Next, we finished discussing TR's Square Deal. Please complete Doc C tonight for HW (due tomorrow). 



Doc A due today (prep for DBQ next week) 



Today we finished discussing the Origins of Progressivism. Next, we discussed Doc A of the DBQ packet. Please complete Document B tonight and be prepared to discuss in class. Lastly, we started Teddy Roosevelt's "Square Deal". 



"The Jungle" reading, hi-lighting, and responses to questions are due



Today we discussed "The Jungle" (HW last night). Next, we continued discussing Progressivism, which we'll finish up tomorrow. I also gave out the Unit III Study Guide (Unit III Test next Thursday, November 15th). Tonight for HW, please complete Document A for HW in preparation for the DBQ next week. 



Today we discussed Document F of the Ch. 10, 9 Document Packet and students turned the packets in. Next. I checked that students finished their Imperialism charts and students checked their answers. We then got into the topic of Progressivism and we got through Goal #3 on the attached PPT. Lastly, students read the attached excerpt from "The Jungle". The hi-lighting and responses to questions are due tomorrow. (I hope this doesn't gross you out too much!) 



Documents C, D, and E are due today



Today we discussed Documents C, D, E. Please do Doc F for HW due Monday. Next, we discussed Teddy Roosevelt's Foreign Policy and America's influence in Latin America during his presidency. Lastly, we worked on the attached American Imperialism Map. 



Today we watched a video on the assassination of President McKinley. If you were absent, you'll be excused for this. Please remember, Documents C, D, & E are due tomorrow. 



Documents A & B due. 



Today I checked students' Documents A and B which were due today. We briefly discussed the differences between these two documents as well. Next, we finished up U.S. Imperialism through the late 1800s. Please make sure you're working on Documents C, D, & E, which are due Friday. 



Unfortunately, the copies of the Ch. 10, 9 Document packet did not come out well. I went over the images with students today, at the beginning of class. I strongly recommend looking at the images on-line for documents C, D, & E. Documents A and B are due tomorrow. Next, we started Unit III: Imperialism & Progressivism with the attached PPT. and discussion. 



Unit II Exam! I also assigned the Ch. 10 & 9 Document Packet. Documents A and B are due Wednesday. 



Socratic Seminar! Don't forget to study for your Unit II Test over the weekend! 



Today we finished discussing the Populist Movement. We also discussed the changes made to the education system in the late 1800s. Please make sure you're prepared for the socratic seminar tomorrow with your reading (hi-lighted and annotated) and your questions for the discussion. Also, please remember the Unit II Test is on Monday. 



Today we discussed the causes and effects of a new political party, the Populist Party. 



Today we completed the discussion on Political Machines and then watched "Crash Course" on this era of Political Machines and the Populist Party.  



Today I checked students' prep for the upcoming Socratic Seminar. Next, we watched some clips from "Gangs of New York", answered a few questions and discussed the living conditions in New York's Irish enclave. Lastly, we started but did not finish the attached PPT on the Politics of the Gilded Age. We only got through slide 4 and will continue with this tomorrow. 



Today I checked that students had hi-lighted their reading for the upcoming Socratic Seminar. Over the weekend, please read the text again and annotate (Direction #3). Next, we continued with the attached PPT on Immigration and Urbanization, and got to the slide with the questions for "Gangs of New York" which we'll watch clips of on Monday. Enjoy your weekend! 



Today I reminded students that for HW tonight, they need to read the assigned document (attached below) and hi-light important/interesting phrases worth discussing in preparation for next week's Socratic Seminar. Next, we continued with "Immigration and Urbanization". 



Today we finished the "Homestead Strike" video and questions were turned in at the end. Next, I handed out the attached Socratic Seminar reading. Please make sure "Step 2" in the directions is completed by Friday, October 19th (read once and hi-light important or thought provoking phrases).  



Today I gave out the Unit II Exam Study Guide. Next, we discussed the major labor strikes of the late 1800s. Lastly, we started watching a video on the Carnegie Homestead Steel Factory strike. We'll finish this tomorrow. 



Today is the debate! Please make sure you come prepared for this activity by: completing the attached "Robber Barons or Captains of industry" packet, documents must be hi-lighted, annotated, and questions must be answered to participate; choose whether you think these men are robber barons or captains of their industry and have two points written out to support your position.



Today, I had students write down their "debate debrief" questions which are to be completed thoughtfully for HW tonight. Next, I gave students some time to break into their respective group ("Captains of Industry" or "Robber Barons") and work on getting their evidence together to make a stronger case for their side. Lastly, we had a debate and I'm so happy to say both Periods 2 & 3 did an awesome job! I've attached the PPT which includes the HW questions on slide #2. Please complete these questions and I'll collect this and your debate preparation packet tomorrow. 



Today I reminded students that they have a debate on Monday! The documents required to be complete and prepared for the debate are uploaded below under "Robber Barons or Captains of industry". Documents must be hi-lighted, annotated, and questions must be answered to participate. Prep work will also include choosing whether you think these men are robber barons or captains of their industry and have two points written out to support your position. Next, we discussed Carnegie and Rockefeller and their tactics. 



Today was an assembly day and all classes, except Period 3, were only 20 minutes long. That being said, we discussed Documents C & D in class today. I also assigned the attached "Robber Barons OR Cpts. of Industry" packet to help students prepare for an in-class debate on Monday. The packet is due Monday (annotate, underline important points, answer questions). 



Today we finished discussing clashes on the frontier between Americans and Native Americans. Please remember Documents C and D are due tomorrow. 



Today we looked at the scantron results of the Unit I Exam and did some self-analysis. We then discussed Documents A and B from the Ch. 5 & 6 Document Packet. I also gave out Documents C & D (both due Wednesday). Lastly, we started, but did not finish, the attached PPT on the "Clash of Cultures on the Frontier". Today was the start of Unit II: The Gilded Age. 



Today students took the Unit I Exam. Afterward, students started working on the Document Packet for Ch. 5 & 6. Please complete the attached Documents A and B, which are due Monday. If you were absent today, you will take the Unit I Exam on Monday. Please make sure you print and complete Documents A, B. Enjoy your weekend!  :) 



Today is tentatively scheduled for the Unit I Exam. The Study Guide is attached below. 



Today we finished discussing Reconstruction. Please study for your Unit I Exam tomorrow! 



Document F is due today from the Ch. 4 Document Packet



Today we started class by discussing Document F of the Ch. 4 Document Packet. I will be collecting this packet on Friday before your Unit I Exam. Please make sure to review these documents in preparation for the Exam as some of them will be included on the test. Next, we started discussing Reconstruction. 



Document E of the attached Ch. 4 Document packet is due. 



Today we discussed Document E of the Ch. 4 document packet. Next, we finished discussing the Civil War. Lastly, we started, but did not finish the PPT on Reconstruction. Please complete Document F of the Ch. 4 document packet tonight. 



Documents C & D of the attached Ch. 4 Document Packet are due today. 



Today we discussed answers to the HW due today (Docs C & D). Next, we discussed the Civil War. Please complete Doc E of the Document Packet as it's due tomorrow. 



Document B of the Ch. 4 Doc. Packet is due today



Today we finished the "Divisive Politics of Slavery" that we started yesterday. We also started discussing the Civil War. We'll finish this on Monday. Please remember that Documents C and D of the Ch. 4 Document Packet are due on Monday. 



Today we discussed the political climate in the 1850s leading up to the Civil War. Please note that on many of the pictures there are links to on-line videos to help students learn/review. 



Document A of the attached is due today. 



Today we discussed last night's HW. Next, we started but did not finish the attached "Divisive Politics of Slavery" PPT. I also assigned Doc B of the Ch. 4 Document Packet due this Friday. 



Today I gave out the Ch. 4 Document Packet. Document A is due tomorrow. Next, we discussed Reform Movements of the mid-1800s. 



Ch. 3, Sec. 5 of HW is due today. There is also a Ch. 3 Quiz today. 



Today students took the Unit 3 Quiz; if you were absent today, please make sure to bring your Ch. 3 HW Packet and take the test tomorrow. Next, we finished up discussing Manifest Destiny. Lastly, I have attached the Unit I Study Guide for the upcoming test which is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 2nd. Please make sure you study for this exam starting tonight!!! 



Today we completed the information about President Jackson and analyzed a political cartoon about him. Next we started (but did not finish) discussing "Manifest Destiny". We'll finish this on Monday. Please remember to complete Ch. 3, Sec. 5 by Monday when you'll take the Ch. 3 Quiz. Enjoy your weekend! 



Today we finished up Jefferson's presidency (including Monroe) and continued on with Jacksonian Democracy. Ch. 3, sec. 5 is due next Monday. 



 I assigned the Ch. 3 Study Guide. Sections 1 and 2 are due today. 



Today students took the district-required Illuminate assessment on Chromebooks. Next, students learned about major events in the Jefferson and Madison presidencies. CH. 3, Sec. 3 is due Thursday. 



Today I let students know that tomorrow we have a district-required assessment on the Declaration of Independence. Next, we discussed "Launching a New Nation" and the presidencies of Washington and Adams. Please remember Ch. 3 sections 1 & 2 are due tomorrow. 



Reminder: Today there will be a quiz on the material from the Ch. 1 & 2 HW packet as well as the U.S. Map. 



Today students took the Ch. 1, 2, U.S. Map Quiz. IF you were absent today you'll need to take it on Monday or when you return to class. Next, students continued to work on putting the Bill of Rights in their own words and applying their knowledge to difference scenarios. Students turned this in after discussion and clarification. Lastly, I assigned the Ch. 3 Study Guide. Sections 1 and 2 are due Tuesday. 



Today we finished discussing the structure and basic information about the U.S. Constitution. Next, students got a copy of the U.S. Bill of Rights and had to put numbers 1-5 in their own words. I'm checking to make sure 1-5 are complete and we'll continue with this tomorrow. Please make sure you study material from Ch. 1, 2, and the U.S. Map as you will be quizzed on this tomorrow. 



Today I showed some of my personal pictures from the 9-11 Memorial which I meant to show yesterday. Next, I clarified any misconceptions or misunderstandings about the Electoral College and we did an "Electoral College" activity where students went through the General Election process and Electoral College process. We also discussed the positives and negatives of the Electoral College. Lastly, we started to discuss (but did not finish) the basic information on the U.S. Constitution. 



I am always conflicted on how to handle this difficult day. We did have a class discussion about 9-11 today which I think went quite well. I have a link below to the scenes of 9-11 filmed by two French filmmakers who happened to be with NYFD on this fateful day. * Please be aware this is all raw footage which includes very disturbing scenes and language.  We will continue our discussion of the Electoral College, Constitution, and Bill of Rights tomorrow. 



Ch. 2 Sec 3 (pg. 4) and Ch, 2, sec. 4 (pg. 5) is due today. 



Today students turned in their HW packets; if you were absent today, please turn it in tomorrow and write "absent" on it. Next, we finished discussing the issues and solutions at the Constitutional Convention and we watched a US History Crash Course video reviewing everything we discussed from last Friday (Articles of Confederation and Shays' Rebellion) to today (solving problems at Constitutional Convention). Lastly, we worked on a handout discussing the Electoral College; this is due tomorrow so please finish it for HW if you did not complete it in class. Unfortunately, I do not have an electronic copy of the HW so if you're absent today you'll have to get the copy from me tomorrow. 



Electoral College handout due. If absent yesterday you'll need to get it in person from me. 



Today we discussed the post-Revolution period which set up the first (failed) gov't and the second (still working!) government. Please make sure you complete Ch. 2, Sec. 3 and Ch. 2, Sec. 4 over the weekend (Due Monday). 



Ch. 2, Sec. 2 of HW Packet due today, 09/06



Today we discussed last night's HW (Declaration of Independence). Next, we discussed the American Revolution/War for Independence. 



Today we started with the attached PPT, "Revolution" but only got through the slide on "Declaration of Independence" before we started looking at the other attached document, "The Declaration of Independence". Please make sure you complete the "Declaration of Independence" document tonight, along with Ch. 2, Sec. 2 of your HW packet. 



Your U.S. Map is due today as is Ch. 2, Sec. 1 (part II) of your HW Packet. 



Ch. 2, Sec 1 Part II is due
Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" is due
The U.S. Map is due 



Today students turned in their signed syllabus and U.S. maps. Students discussed the "Road to Independence, part II" today through notes, discussion, video, and chart. Please remember to work on Ch. 2, sec. 2 of your HW packet, this is due Thursday. 



Ch. 1, sec. 4 and ch. 2, sec 1 (part I) of the HW packet is due today! 



Today we completed the last three slides on the attached PPT from yesterday. After discussing the responses on the last two slides, we went over the syllabus. Please discuss it with your parent/guardian and sign and date it and turn it in Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Lastly, students read the attached excerpts from Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" followed the directions on the assignment to complete it. 
Please remember: your U.S. Map, Ch. 2, sec. 1 part II of the HW packet, and Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" is all due on Tuesday! 



Today students thought and wrote about what events upset the British Colonists to the point of wanting Revolution. After a brief discussion we took notes and discussed these and other events. Please see notes attached below. Also, make sure you've completed Ch. 1 Sec 4 and Ch 2 Sec 1 page of the HW Packet, which is due tomorrow. 



Today students worked on their U.S. Maps, which are due next Tuesday. I also assigned the first HW packet. Ch. 1, sec 4 and Ch. 2, sec 1 (part I) is due Friday. 



Today we started by looking at two different maps, writing down information we can derive from the maps, and then sharing that information. Next, we discussed some foundation ideas (the Enlightenment and the French and Indian War) which set many English Colonists on the "road to revolution". For the Enlightenment, students worked together to remember the ideas and philosophies of the Enlightenment philosophers and filled out almost all of the attached chart (note: this chart is also built in to the ppt). TOMORROW, PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR U.S. HISTORY TEXTBOOK, IF YOU HAVE ONE.