World History (Period 3) Assignments

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Today we reviewed for the Spring Final Exam by playing Jeopardy and then "review hangman".



To follow-up from yesterday, today we watched the spectacular 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony (short clip). Next, we discussed the European Union. Tomorrow, please bring notes from this class and others to study. 



Today we finished discussing the current situation in China. Besides the notes, we also watched two videos (one on the Hong Kong protests and one on the end of the "one child policy"). Please make sure you also look at the political cartoons we discussed in class, as they will be on the Final Exam. 



Today we discussed the economic and political changes in China from the 1960s to the 1980s (Tienanmen Square) with notes and video. We will continue this tomorrow. 



Today we discussed Post-U.S.S.R. Russia and the rise of Oligarchs and Putin. We also looked at a few videos and websites pertaining to all of this (all links available by clicking on some of the pictures within the PPT). 



Today we finished discussing the Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in the former Yugoslavia. Please see the attached PPT. We then answered questions from a reading which I am unable to upload. I told students to take pictures of the document if they were unable to finish in class, so they may finish the questions at home over the weekend. We'll discuss the answers to these questions on Monday so please have the work completed. If you were absent, you'll have to take pictures of the information on Monday and complete Monday night. Enjoy your weekend! 



Today we finished discussing the Fall of the Soviet Union and watched a brief video about it (click on Gorbachev's picture on the last note slide to access the video). Next, we started discussing, but did not finish, the attached PPT on the death of Tito and the ensuing war and genocide in Yugoslavia. We'll finish this tomorrow. 



Today we finished discussing the fall of communism in Eastern Europe (Czechoslovakia and Romania). We then started, but did not finish, the attached PPT on the Fall of the Soviet Union. 



Today we discussed (but did not finish) the fall of communism in various Eastern European nations. Many of the pictures have hyperlinks to videos on the internet if you wish to view any of them. We'll finish this up tomorrow. I also gave out the Spring Final Exam Study Guide, also attached below. Please prioritize and use your time wisely to study. 



Today I discussed with all students the APUSH Summer Work. Next, we watched clips from the film, "Missing" about the Chilean coup and the abduction and murder of an American journalist. If you were absent, please read and answer the questions to the attachment and turn in to me for credit. Enjoy your weekend! 



Today we discussed U.S. Intervention in Central America and Mexico via the attached PPT and map. There are a variety of videos hyperlinked to many of the pictures in the PPT. Please open up the PPT in "slideshow" and click on the pictures; this will bring you to some of the videos we watched in class as well as some which we did not have time to view. 



Today we discussed Cold War Era: U.S. Intervention in South America using the attached PPT and map. In the PPT there are hyperlinks to two videos which we also watched. Lastly, we watched clips from the film, "Four Days In September" about the kidnapping of the U.S. Ambassador to Brazil. If you were absent today, please make sure you take the notes and do the alternate assignment for the film. 



Today students wrote their timed three-paragraph response to the DBQ. If you were absent today, you'll make it up on Monday. 



Today I gave out and discussed with students the rubric for tomorrow's Lumumba DBQ. Students then worked in groups to discuss why they thought Lumumba was assassinated and for what reasons. FOR TOMORROW, PLEASE DON'T FORGET: rubric, DBQ packet, questions/chart, pre-writing (NO COMPLETE SENTENCES!), and a pen! 



Today students had the opportunity to work in groups of 2-3 to look at three examples of DBQ responses to the question they are to answer on Friday. Students worked together to identify the context/background, thesis, evidence (derived from documents as well as "outside information"), and conclusion. Students are strongly encouraged to pre-write for the DBQ and two examples of types of pre-writing is attached below. Lastly, please make sure your questions and the chart from yesterday's (Tuesday) group discussion are completed by tomorrow. I have also attached this below. 



Today students who completed yesterday's work (reading, annotations, and answering questions) worked in groups to discuss the documents. The questions discussed, along with the chart to help students recognize the meaning and validity of the documents is uploaded below. 



Today we started off with students working in pairs sharing their answers to last Friday's reading on the assassination of Patrice Lumumba of Congo. Next, we watched a video on the history of the Congo and the assassination of Lumumba (link below). Lastly, students worked individually and in groups to read and answer questions about documents pertaining to the assassination of Lumumba. This is all in preparation for this Friday's three-paragraph in-class response to the question: What were the main reasons for the assassination of Patrice Lumumba and who was probably involved?
The assignment and all documents are below. 



Today we finished clips of "The Last King of Scotland". If you were absent today (and only today) then please turn in your questions on Monday. If you were absent yesterday, please complete the alternate assignment and turn it in on Monday. Next, we discussed Congolese independence and the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. I assigned and discussed with students the DBQ which will be written in class next Friday, May 18th. Lastly, students read about Patrice Lumumba and answered questions in their notebooks. * The Congolese Independence PPT., the reading on Patrice Lumumba and the documents are all extremely important to you writing a successful response to next week's DBQ. Please take this seriously. We will work on the documents on Monday. Enjoy your weekend. 



Today we expanded a bit on Uganda's history under Idi Amin by watching clips from the film, "Last King of Scotland". We will finish up the last bit of the clips tomorrow. If you were absent today, you must read the attached document and answer the questions in complete sentences and turn this in to make up for the work you missed today. 



Today we discussed various independence movements and the struggle for democracy in African nations. I have attached the notes as well as a "map" for taking the notes on. Also, below is a link to a video on the specific situation in the Congo. We will be writing a DBQ next week about this so please watch the link (we will also watch this in class). 



Today we started our last unit, Unit XII: Struggle for Democracy. This unit will discuss the political struggles in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America during the latter half of the 20th century. Today we started by discussing S. Asia, post- British rule, including India and the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh. We also watched film clips from "Gandhi". 



Today students took the Unit XI: Cold War Exam. If you were absent, please expect to make up the exam tomorrow (unless we have talked personally). Tomorrow we start our last unit of the school year! 



Today we finished the Cold War by discussing the effects in the Middle East (Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan). Next, we reviewed for Monday's Cold War Exam. PLEASE STUDY OVER THE WEEKEND! I've attached the notes from today and the Study Guide, which was initially given out approximately three weeks ago. Enjoy your weekend! 



Today students learned about the Khmer Rouge, a terribly abusive regime, in Cambodia, via lecture and a reading with questions. If you were absent, please read the document, "The Killing Fields" and answer the questions in your notebook (I am not collecting this). Next, we discussed Cold War Tensions "Thawing" under President Nixon. Please remember your Cold War Exam is Monday, May 7th! STUDY! 



Today we discussed the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Please note, I have pushed back the Cold War Test to next Monday, May 7th. 



Today, we finished the SE Asia map and finished discussing the Vietnam War. Please make sure you study this map for the upcoming Cold War Exam! 



Today we finished watching clips of "Fidel" and students turned in the answers to the questions that went along with it. After a quick debrief, we started discussing the Vietnam War, but ended with the map of South East Asia; we'll finish the rest of Vietnam tomorrow. The SE Asia map will be on the upcoming Cold War Exam so please make sure you study it along with the "Iron Curtain Map" we did a few weeks ago during this unit. 



Today we watched a film called "Fidel" about the Cuban Revolution, Bay of Pigs Invasion, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. We'll finish the last two scenes of the film on Monday. Enjoy your weekend! 



Today we started with a political cartoon pertaining to the Prague Spring. After a discussion, we continued on with the Cuban Revolution, Bay of Pigs Invasion, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. There are some hyperlinks to clips and information on-line from some of the pictures in the PPT. Lastly, I assigned HW (the Cuban Missile Crisis). 



Today we continued with "Resistance to Communism". We finished discussing the Berlin Wall and I showed a clip from "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.". We also discussed the 1956 Hungarian Uprising (squashed by the Soviets) and the 1968 Prague Spring (crushed by the Soviets). 



Today we finished discussing the Space Race and the Arms Race, including watching some video clips. Next, we started discussing "Resistance to Communism" including the Berlin Wall, the 1956 Hungarian Uprising, and the 1968 Prague Spring. 



Today we finished discussing the Korean War. Next, we started discussing "Brinkmanship & the Space Race". There are some hyperlinks to interesting websites/videos throughout the PPT if you click on the pictures. Lastly, please read about the first satellite, Sputnik, and answer the questions about it. The answers are found in the reading as well as your textbook, page 537. 



Today we debriefed yesterday's documents about the Red Guards. I also gave time for students to get feedback from their peers and editing their paragraphs (last night's HW) if necessary before turning them in. Next, we started learning about the Korean War. Students worked on the attached Korean War Map and we started, but did not finish, the attached PPT. 



Today we discussed two American perspective political cartoons (towards the end of the attached PPT.). We'll do the last two slides (picture and Chinese perspective propaganda poster) tomorrow. Next, students worked on reading four documents related to the Cultural Revolution and the Red Guards and answered questions about the documents. Students are then to write a paragraph answering the question: Why did Chinese youth get swept up in the Cultural Revolution? The format of the paragraph should be: context/background, thesis statement, evidence (no quotes) with analysis and commentary, and lastly, your conclusion (what is the overall impact of the Red Guards and the Cultural Revolution). 



Today we continued with the Chinese Civil War and the effects of life under Mao's leadership. We got through "Voices from the Past" slide and will do the political cartoons tomorrow. 



Today we finished up the Berlin Airlift (political cartoon and pictures). Next, I passed out the Study Guide for the Unit XI (Cold War) Exam which is slated for Monday, April 30th. Lastly, we started (but did not finish) discussing the Chinese Civil War, part 2 (Post World War II) and how China turns communist. We'll finish this tomorrow. 



Today we debriefed the "Who is responsible for starting the Cold War" activity. We discussed the students' answers to questions and checked for full understanding of the documents. Students then turned in their work (answers to questions and two thesis statements). Next, we discussed the Berlin Blockade, which led to the Berlin Airlift. 



Today students worked on the attached four documents regarding the start of the Cold War. Individually, students read two documents (A & B) and answered questions about these documents. After discussing their answers and the documents with their group members,  students then individually wrote a preliminary thesis statement addressing the question: Who was primarily responsible for starting the Cold War- the United States or the Soviet Union? Students repeated this process after reading through two more documents (C & D). All questions and both thesis statements must be complete by Monday. We will do a debrief of the documents and look at examples of thesis statements on Monday. 



Today we worked on the Cold War Map. Attached is the assignment which includes all of the directions. You will need to study this map for the Cold War Unit Test. 



Today we finished discussing the roots of the Cold War with "Super Powers Face Off". 



Today we started by finishing up yesterday's PPT on the aftermath of WWII on Germany and Japan and comparing the two. We then took a quick break and I shared some of my personal WWII-related pictures from Europe (Cambridge University, Czech Republic, and Berlin, specifically). Next, we started talking about the foundations of the Cold War. We will finish this PPT up tomorrow and prepare for foundation of Cold War document reading and analysis which we'll do on Thursday. 



Welcome back! I hope you all had a great Spring Break! Today we started Unit XI: Cold War. We started off by reading the attached document on the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences; students answered the questions about this reading in their notes in complete sentences (I did not collect the answers but we discussed the answers). Next, we discussed the Post-War situation in both Germany and Japan. 



I didn't want to start our next unit the day before we go on Spring Break, so today we simply continued watching about 30 minutes from where we left off of "Saving Pvt. Ryan". PLEASE ENJOY YOUR SPRING BREAK! RELAX, HAVE FUN, BE SAFE!!! We'll start Unit XI: The Cold War when we return. 



Today students took the Unit X Exam on WWII. 



Today we discussed the Manhattan Project, the decision to drop the A-bomb, and the Japanese surrender, ending WWII in the Pacific. We then reviewed a bit for tomorrow's Unit X Exam on WWII. Please study for the exam and make sure your Europe/North Africa and Asia maps are complete; they are due tomorrow! 



Today we discussed the Manhattan Project- the U.S. plan to beat the Germans at making the World's fist nuclear bomb. We also discussed the dropping of the bomb and the end to World War II in the Pacific. 



Today, some classes finished discussing the various plans for an Allied Victory. Next, we started discussing the "Allied Victory" in Europe. We also watched clips from the film "Saving Private Ryan" (D-Day scene). The War is not completely over, however, and we'll continue with the Pacific Theater tomorrow. 



Today we finished discussing the attack on Pearl Harbor and Japan's Pacific Campaign. Next, we started discussing the various plans for an Allied Victory. Please make sure you study for the upcoming (Thursday) Unit X Test. Enjoy your weekend! 



Today we learned about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as well as the war in the Pacific. We watched a few film clips as well, which are embedded as hyperlinks from some of the pictures in the PPT. 



Today we had very short periods, due to the student protest for safe schools. Therefore, the only thing we really did was take the Open-Note Quiz. If you were absent, please see me tomorrow to make it up. 



Today we discussed Hitler's Lightning War in Northern Africa and the Eastern Front. Please make sure you have all notes from 02/27 to today for tomorrow's Open Note Quiz! Also, remember to study for your upcoming Unit X Test (March 22). 



Today we wrapped up discussion on "Schindler's List". Next, I showed students pictures from my Summer 2017 Germany trip during which I visited one of Hitler's bunkers, his "Eagle's Nest", and what is left of his "country home". I've attached the ppt below. Lastly, we discussed Hitler's "Lightning War" on the Western Front. Please make sure you have all of your notes for Wednesday's Open Note Quiz. Also, please make sure you're studying for the Unit X Test (March 22). 



Today we concluded the "Schindler's List" clips. If you were absent, please complete the attached document and turn it, along with the video questions, in to the stacker when you return.  



Today we watching clips from "Schindler's List". If you were absent, please complete and turn in the attached reading and questions to make up for the points you lost today. We'll continue with the clips tomorrow.



Today we started watching clips from "Schindler's List". I introduced the film with the attached PPT. If you were absent, please complete and turn in the attached reading and questions to make up for the points you lost today. We'll continue with the clips tomorrow. I also gave out the Unit X Study Guide. The test will be Thursday, March 22.  



Today we finished discussing "Nazi Genocide". I also showed students some pictures of Dachau Camp from my trip to Germany last Summer and some pictures of the "Final Solution" process. 



Today we finished discussing "Life in Nazi Germany". We also watched the film clip included at the end of the PPT. Next, students viewed primary and secondary source documents and filled-out the attached analysis sheet (please make sure you turn this in). Lastly, we started the attached "Nazi Genocide" PPT (only the title and 1st slide). 



Today we continued discussing "Life in Nazi Germany", including some of the propaganda and anti-semitic laws.  



Today I checked that students completed their "Rape of Nanking" reading and questions from yesterday. Next, students worked independently on the four attached "Rape of Nanking"primary and secondary sources by filling out the attached analysis sheet. Students then shared some of their responses in pairs. Lastly, we started discussing "Life in Nazi Germany" but did not get through all of it. Please note, there are links to videos if you click on certain pictures. 



Today we finished discussing "Japan's Drive for an Empire". We also colored some of our Asia Maps. Next, we watched two videos on the "Rape of Nanking" (videos are embedded as hyperlinks in the PPT). Lastly, we read the attached document and answered questions in complete sentences in our notebooks. Some students got the chance to jump ahead and work on some documents related to the "Rape of Nanking" 



Today we debriefed yesterday's Socratic Seminar. Next, students took the Unit IX Quiz (see me for make-ups). Lastly, we started Unit X: World War II by discussing the invasion of China by the Japanese and the Rape of Nanking (an atrocity committed in 1937 by the Japanese against the Chinese). The notes we discussed are attached below and we will continue with this topic tomorrow. 



Today students led their Socratic Seminar on "The Children's Story". Please remember to complete your self-assessment tonight as well as study for tomorrow's Unit IX Quiz. 



Today I checked to be sure students are prepared for Monday's Socratic Seminar. Students, by today, should have read the text "The Children's Story" numerous times, underlined or hi-lighted text that they would like to discuss, annotated the story, and written six questions pertaining to the text. If you did not do this, MAKE SURE YOU DO OVER THE WEEKEND! Students who are not prepared on Monday will not participate and will receive 0 points for this activity. After checking for the Socratic Seminar preparation, as a class students created the "rules and guidelines" for the Socratic Seminar. Next, we reviewed for next Tuesday's quiz on Unit IX. Please make sure you're studying for this quiz (there is no study guide for this quiz). Lastly, we looked at a video (link below) that discusses Germany's post-WWI situation, the rise to power of Hitler, and the taking of Czechoslovakia. 



Today we continued discussing "Aggressors on the March", took notes, and colored some of our Europe and N. Africa Map. Most classes got through slide #9 (Italy takes Ethiopia & Albania). I also reminded students to prepare for their Socratic Seminar (which will be held next Monday). To prepare, students are to complete #3 on the attached directions (annotating the text). Lastly, I reminded students they will have a quiz on Unit IX next Tuesday (no study guide for this quiz of 15 questions). 



Today we finished discussing the rise of Mussolini and Hitler to power in Italy and Germany, respectively. We then watched a video on Hitler's consolidation of power (click on the "Mien Kampf" image in the PowerPoint. Next, I gave out the directions to prepare for the Socratic Seminar, which will take place next Monday, February 26th. please complete number 2 tonight (hi-light or underline important parts of the story). Next, I discussed the "Aggressors on the March Map" which will be done over the course of the current unit as well as the next unit. You can jump ahead on the directions, but please make sure you number 1-29 for the Europe and North Africa map tonight. Next, we started discussing "Aggressors on the March" PowerPoint which goes along with the '"Aggressors..." Map. We will continue with the map, PowerPoint, and preparation for the Socratic Seminar this week. LASTLY, there will be a quiz on this mini-unit next Tuesday. There is no study guide for this quiz. 
*Here is a link to a map for your "Aggressors..." map:



Today some classes took the time to finish up what we started yesterday ("Post-War Uncertainty"). Next, we discussed the "Characteristics of Fascism" and then started discussing how Mussolini came to power in Italy and how Hitler came to power in Germany. There are two assignments due Tuesday. The first is the project I assigned last week (WH Poster Project Revolutionaries) and the second is to read the attached "The Children's Story" (at this point, you do not need to underline, hi-light, or annotate the reading). This reading will be used for our upcoming Socratic Seminar. Enjoy your three-day weekend!   



Today we discussed last night's HW. We then started Unit IX: Years of Crisis. 



Today students took the Unit 8 Exam. I assigned the attached "Depression in Germany" for HW. Tomorrow we'll officially start Unit 9: Years of Crisis. 



Today we finished discussing the Mexican Revolution (please see notes that were uploaded for last Thursday or Friday). Next, we reviewed for tomorrow's Unit 8 Exam. Lastly, some classes had time to either study for tomorrow's test on their own or with a partner, or work on the project due next Tuesday. 



Today I assigned a project for Unit VIII. You have options for this project (create either a magazine cover or a propaganda poster). The assignment is attached below, however, if you were absent please see me so I may assign you the person of focus for your project. The project is due February 20th. Next, we continued with the Mexican Revolution. We watched a few videos (embedded in the PPT) and ended up finishing the PPT. On Tuesday, please bring in any materials you may need to work on your project. We'll be watching a video on the Mexican Revolution, reviewing, and you'll be given time to work on the project. ENJOY YOUR THREE-DAY WEEKEND! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ALSO STUDY FOR YOUR UNIT VIII EXAM (NEXT WEDNESDAY)! 



Today we started class by going over the questions from yesterday pertaining to the Salt Act and the Salt March. Next, we watched two film clips about the Amritsar Massacre which I was unable to show yesterday due to time restraints. Next, we jumped to Mexico! We started discussing pre-Revolution problems and got a bit into the Mexican Revolution. We will continue this tomorrow. 



Today we started by answering questions about Gandhi's belief system. After discussing the answers we learned about Gandhi and his non-violent protests against the British. 



Today we discussed the Nationalist Revolutions in Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. We then reviewed for next Wednesday's Unit Exam. Lastly, PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR TEXTBOOK TOMORROW.



Today I gave students some time to finish their Stalin Propaganda Poster Gallery Walk. Next, I gave out the Unit VIII Study Guide (Exam will be next Tuesday, February 13th). Next, we discussed the changes to China from 1911-1937. ** PLEASE BRING YOUR TEXTBOOK ON WEDNESDAY! 



Today we discussed the policies and changes Stalin made to the Soviet Union after Lenin's death. Students then did a gallery walk of Stalin-era propaganda posters and completed the attached chart. If you were absent today, please get the notes, view the posters, fill out the chart, and turn in when you return to class. Enjoy your weekend! 



Today I gave students 5-7 minutes to complete their pair work from yesterday. Please utilize the chart you completed together to study these six people on the chart. Next, we started discussing the changes Lenin begins, Lenin's death, and the controversy surrounding Stalin taking over the U.S.S.R. Students then used their textbooks to answer questions and complete a chart comparing Marxism to Leninism. Lastly, I showed students some pictures from my 2017 Russia Trip and Lenin in his mausoleum (the pictures of Lenin in the mausoleum are not mine).  



Today we continued learning about the Russian Revolution. We also did a jigsaw on the most important people involved in the Revolution. All information from today is attached below. Please bring your textbook tomorrow for points! 



Today we started Unit VIII on Revolutions. Today we specifically started the Russian Revolution. We will finish this tomorrow. 



Today students took the Unit VII (World War I) Exam. If you were absent you'll make it up tomorrow (or when you return). I also assigned the attached reading and questions on the Spanish Flu of 1918. Please complete this as it's due tomorrow. Lastly, please remember your "Armenian Genocide" Open Mind is due Wednesday. Please continue to work on that.



Today we finished Unit VII on World War I. We discussed the Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles. Please make sure to study this weekend for Monday's World War I Test (study guide below). Also, you should start working on your "Armenian Genocide" open mind mini-project which is due next Wednesday, January 31st. 



Today I gave students time to complete yesterday's Armenian Genocide Work (documents attached below). Next, I assigned the "Open Mind Armenian Genocide" mini-project (attached below). You need to choose one of the three Armenian Genocide survivors to do your mini-project on (Khanum, Mesrob, or Zakaria) and if you need access to their testimony they are found in the "Armenian Testimonials" uploaded here. The mini-project is due Wednesday, January 31. PLEASE BALANCE YOUR TIME! Your Trench Letter is due tomorrow, your WWI Exam is Monday, and your Armenian Genocide Mini-Project is due Wednesday! Lastly, we discussed the End of WWI (11/11/1918)  



Today we discussed the Armenian Genocide. I went over a brief powerpoint about it first. Second, I handed out the attached questions and attached primary and secondary sources. Students answered the questions using the primary and secondary sources. I will give a little bit of time in class tomorrow to finish this up and you will also have a mini-project associated with this information that I will assign tomorrow. Please remember you WWI letter is due this Friday and your WWI Exam is the following Monday. 



Today we discussed the "World at War", and filled in the map as we discussed. Next, students did a gallery walk of WWI Propaganda Posters. If students did not finish, they must do so tonight. Also, don't forget that your Trench Letter is due Friday. 



Today we discussed the US getting involved in WWI. We then listened to the U.S. Propaganda song "Over There" and analyzed the lyrics. For HW, students are to read the attached Zimmerman Note/Telegram and complete the analysis, due tomorrow. 



Today I assigned the WWI Letter Assignment, which is attached below and due on Friday, January 26th. Next, we discussed "The Great War Goes Global", including the Gallipoli Campaign. We then watched a few videos (links below) on some of the weapons of WWI; there is some basic information in these videos which may be used to influence your Letter From WWI assignment. Lastly, I assigned a reading and questions on the Gallipoli Campaign for HW, due Monday. Enjoy your weekend! 



Today students watched clips from the film, "All Quiet On the Western Front" and answered questions. If you were absent today, please read the attached assignment. You do not need to complete the questions, but this anti-war film will be on your WWI Exam, so please be familiar with the basic plot.  



I hope you enjoyed your four-day weekend! Today we continued (from the HW) with weapons of WWI. Some of the pictures in the PPT have hyperlinks to websites with videos about some of these weapons (you may want to check these out). There is no HW tonight other than to study for the WWI Exam, which I have pushed back to Monday, January 29th. 



Today I gave out the WWI Study Guide. Tentatively, the test is scheduled for Friday, January 26th. Next, we finished the PPT from yesterday, discussing trench warfare, the Battles of the Somme, Verdun, and Tannenberg. If you click on some of the pictures in the PPT there are hyperlinks to videos. Lastly, I gave out the attached "WWI Weapons DocumentsI" packet for HW, which is due Wednesday. ENJOY YOUR FOUR-DAY WEEKEND!   :)



Today we discussed the start of the Great War. We first discussed the actual alliances for this war as well as the Schlieffen Plan and the Battle of the Marne. We did not finish "Tactics and Battles" and will do so tomorrow. We also watched some brief clips filmed during WWI of men digging trenches and trying to "live" in trenches, as well as the Germans marching through Brussels on their way to invade France (video clips not uploaded). No HW Tonight!   :)



Today we discussed what students thought about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. We then watched a video (in two parts) about the assassination plot, the actual attempt, and the aftermath. The videos are hyperlinked to the PPT (click on the image of Gavrilo Princip and the image from the Archduke's funeral procession). Lastly, we finished up the PPT and learned how war was declared and how The Great War (WWI) started. For HW, students are to write a letter as an eyewitness to the assassination, due tomorrow. The assignment is attached ("Archduke Assassination Primary Source HW". 



Today in class we went over some background information on the spark/start to WWI. I have attached the PPT for this ("Crisis in the Balkans, PT 1). Next, we did an activity where students turned into Crime Scene Investigators. If you were in class today, I've attached the PPT ("History's Mysteries") you might need to review to complete the HW (completing the packet given in class today). If you were absent, please see me when you return (to get the packet) and then use the PPT to fill out and complete the packet. I'm sorry I cannot attach the packet here. For HW, please make sure the entire packet is filled out (pages 3 & 4, specifically is for HW). 



Today we started Unit VII: World War I. After getting new seats, we completed the attached "Europe 1914 Map" and did the attached "Marching Towards War" PPT. I assigned the "Franco-Prussian War" reading and questions for HW, which is due tomorrow.