Culver City High School Home

  • 25 Extracurriculars offered
  • 16:1 Student teacher ratio
  • 99% Attendance rate
  • 100% Graduation rate
  • $125.000 in scholarships last year
  • 9 Academic decathlon championships
  • 12 Football Championships
  • 13 Sports teams
  • 15 Attendance Rate

About Us

Culver City High School is a diverse, engaged and caring academic community that embraces the unique identity of each individual and their contributions to our shared experience. We believe in providing opportunities that cultivate and foster self-discovery through Academics, Activities, Arts, and Athletics. Students and staff are challenged to reach their full potential while building positive relationships and engaging in meaningful learning experiences to become contributing members of our community and beyond. #CentaurPride #CulverPride

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Recent News

USC presents Understanding How Financial Aid is Awarded Featured Photo

USC presents Understanding How Financial Aid is Awarded

USC will discuss the following basic financial aid concepts, eligibility requirements, different types of financial aid, how to apply for financial aid, and resources for outside agency scholarships. Click headline for Zoom link

College and Career Fair

The annual College and Career Fair will take place on Tuesday, September 17 from 6-8 pm on the high school football field. The fair is open to all grade levels.

College Night

Seniors if you plan to apply to the University of California or the California State Universities, please plan on attending this informational session on Tuesday, September 17 from 5-6 pm in the Robert Frost Auditorium.

2024-2025 Registration Information

This Monday, August 12th is 9th Grade Registration and 9th Grade Parent/Family Night. Parent/Family Nights for grades 10th & 11th is on August 14th and 12th is on August 15th. Also, if students missed their registration day, no worries, Friday August 16th is make-up day for all grade levels. CLICK FOR INFORMATION

Cell Phone " Electornic Signaling Device" Policy Enhanced: In-Classroom Storage Protocol

COMING SOON: CCHS teachers and staff have worked to establish a middle-ground approach to protecting instructional time during class. Each teacher will have a designated area for students to place their cell phones at the beginning of class. The cell phone will be retrieved at the end of class. This same process repeats for each class the students attend throughout the school day. This protocol is a procedure and is an enhancement to our current policy.

The current policy is stated in the Parent-Student Handbook as the "Electronic Signaling Device Policy" and remains the same. All students are to follow this policy and the directives of their teachers.
Summer School 2024 Featured Photo

Summer School 2024

Summer School Applications are now being accepted. Find applications in the Guidance Office with Ms. Hogan or at the link below.
Minimum day

Friday 3/22 - Minimum Day

Please be advised that we will have a Minimum Day on March 22nd.
Enjoy your break Centaur students and families!

Don't forget: Join us for Centaur Cafe 3/22 @ 9 am!

New Centaur Enrollment

The enrollment process is a combination of online and in-person.  If you are unable to complete the online portion or have any questions, please contact your school of residence.
Step I:    Read required letters and documents.
Step II:   Pre-enroll your student in the New Student Online Registration Portal.
Step III:  Email all required documents and forms to your school of residence.
Step IV:  Attend in-person appointment to complete enrollment.