Memoirs » best friend

best friend

Sender Sheila Burke DeVries
Posted On 2013-10-15
Memoir Len was my dearest and closest friend. We shared writing talents, conversations, walks, visits...we were from different worlds, but it did not matter to us. Our friendship held our hearts close and kept us in touch until the week prior to his death. There is not a moment that goes by, that I do not think of him, remember something he shared or taught me, or just feel the warm love from his heart. He was a good person who later could not find that goodness in himself. His loss devastated me. I chose to miss his funeral, as that morning, I just could not get out the door and drive. He loss was too deep. Without being lovers, he was the greatest love of my life. May you be peaceful in yourself, Len. Love you forever. Sheila

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