Nativos/Inmersion III (Period 4-5-6)

Course Description

Los objetivos de este curso se centran en el desarrollo y la mejora de la habilidad lectora y la técnica escrita en lengua española, así como de la compresión lectora y la fluidez oral en esta lengua. Asimismo, se centran en el estudio de la cultura de los distintos países de habla hispana.

Spanish for Native Speakers III extends the reading and writing skills of the fluent speaker with attention to problems particular to Spanish-speaking students. Extensive writing improves the grammar, spelling, and mechanics of formal language use. The students read, discuss, and write about various genres of Hispanic literature, focusing on improving reading comprehension, critical thinking, and analytical skills. The course includes cultural, sociological, and literary insights into the Spanish-speaking world. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish