World History (Period 4) Assignments

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All previous Study Guides and the Final Exam Study Guide are attached below for your convenience. 
Today periods 3 and 4 have their Final Exams. Good luck & enjoy Winter Break! 



All previous Study Guides and the Final Exam Study Guide are attached below for your convenience. 
Today, periods 1 & 2 have their Final Exams. Good luck and enjoy your Winter Break! 



All previous Study Guides and the Final Exam Study Guide are attached below for your convenience. 
Today, periods 6 and 5 have their Final Exams. Good luck & Enjoy your Winter Break! 



Today students got time in class to work on their DBQs. We then played review Jeopardy to prepare for the upcoming Final Exams. 



Today we discussed Imperialism in SE Asia as well as Japanese Imperialism in Asia. Woo Hoo, it's the last notes of the 1st semester! On Monday and Tuesday we'll be reviewing for the Final Exam as well as discussing anything students need to regarding the DBQ. Enjoy your weekend and PLEASE STUDY!!! 



Today we finished discussing Europeans in Muslim Lands. We then did a bit of textbook work on SE Asian Imperialism by Europeans (not posted). Lastly, I discussed the DBQ (will be written the day of the Final Exam) with students, specifically the context/background information and thesis structure. Students then got into groups of 3-4 to help each other with thesis & evidence ideas. 



Today we discussed last night's HW (Document F). We then discussed the answers to yesterday's Open Door Policy political cartoon questions and viewed another political cartoon about British imperialism. Next, we did some textbook work about the declining Ottoman Empire and discussed Europeans getting involved in imperialism in Muslim areas of the Middle East. Tonight, please look through the DBQ documents (A-F) and think about how you might want to answer the upcoming DBQ (it will be written during the DBQ). Tomorrow after we go over some information you'll be working in groups with this. ALSO, PLEASE DO NOT FORGET YOUR TEXTBOOKS TOMORROW! 



Today we started class by checking and discussing the answers to last night's HW (Document E). Next, I went over Document F (a difficult document to get through) and tonight's HW is to answer the questions for Document F. Next, we checked the answers from yesterday's reading on Britain's Opium Trade with China and the resulting Opium Wars. Lastly, we finished discussing British Imperialism in China (PPT attached below). PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR TEXTBOOKS TOMORROW!



Today we started off class by discussing the answers to Documents C & D for the DBQ packet. Next, we went over the answers from last Friday's textbook work (pg. 371) questions. Thirdly, we discussed the first slide (beyond the title slide) of notes on Britain's involvement with China (through the Treaty of Nanjing). Lastly, we answered questions based on the attached reading on the Opium Wars. Students answered questions based on the reading, chart, and map. For HW tonight, please answer questions for Document E from the DBQ packet and be prepared to go over the questions in class tomorrow.  



Today we started by going over the answers from last night's HW (Doc B). Next, we finished discussing question number 6 from yesterday's pair-share activity regarding the causes of the Sepoy Rebellion. Thirdly, we discussed the effects of the Sepoy Rebellion and the positives and negatives of British Imperialism in India. At the end of the period, students used their textbooks to answer questions about China, prior to British Imperialism. We'll discuss British Imperialism in China on Monday. Please make sure you've completed these questions as well as Documents C & D for HW over the weekend. 



We started class today by going over Document A of the DBQ (Cause of European Imperialism in Africa). Next, we discussed some of the attached PPT (the first slide) on British Imperialism in India. After finishing the first slide, students got into pairs, each person had a different document on the causes of the Sepoy Mutiny/Rebellion. Students worked on questions 1-4 on their own and then together, after discussion with each other, worked on questions 5 & 6. We then discussed (briefly) the answers for 5 and (more in-depth) the answers for #6. For HW tonight, students are to look at and answer the questions for Document B of the DBQ packet. This is due tomorrow (no late work accepted) and we'll discuss the answers at the beginning of class tomorrow. *** Please remember your textbook tomorrow! (participation points!)



Today I handed  out the DBQ packet which will be answered on the day of the Final Exam (although all documents will be assigned for HW on the days prior to the Final Exam). Please see all of the documents below, but please note, I need to get a better copy of Document A. We also started, but did not finish the attached PPT on British Imperialism in India. Tonight for HW, students are to look at and answer the questions for Document A of the DBQ packet. We will go over the answers for Document A at the beginning of class tomorrow and I will not accept late work for this. 



Today we finished discussing Menelik II and Ethiopia by reading the attached document and answering the questions on slide #7 of the PPT (do not answer questions on the document itself). We then moved on to the Zulu, Boer, and British in South Africa. Please make sure you're studying for the upcoming Final Exam! 



Today a few classes started by finishing up last Friday's information on the reasons for and effects of Imperialism in Africa. Please check last Friday's information to make sure you have it all. Next, we started discussing "Managing and Resisting Imperialism" in Africa. We got through the questions pertaining to resistance movements (slide #5) in the attached PPT. Tomorrow, we'll check the answers to the questions embedded in the ppt (answered using the textbook) and continue with this PPT. You do not need to bring your textbook tomorrow. If you were not able to do so today, tonight, please make sure you finish the questions based on the information in the textbook. 



Today we finished discussing European Imperialism (causes and effects). I also passed out the Final Exam Study Guide- please start prioritizing and studying as soon as possible! I have uploaded all previous study guides to the class website for the dates of the final exams (December 20, 21, 22) as well.  Lastly, please remember to bring your textbook Monday for 5 points (participation!). 
Enjoy your weekend! 



Today we checked our answers for yesterday's map of Imperialism in Africa. Next, we started discussing the reasons behind Imperialism in Africa and got through slide #3 (With the David Livingstone questions) of the attached "Imperialism in Africa" PPT. If you were absent, please come in Tuesday or Wednesday at lunch to listen to "Voices from the Past" to answer questions 1-5 on slide 3. For questions 6-10, please utilize the reading and map (not the questions on page 2) in the attached "David Livingstone Explores Africa". We will continue this PPT tomorrow. Please remember to bring your textbook tomorrow to class! 



Today I showed  students their Unit V Scantron scores from yesterday's test. For students who were absent, the make up day is tomorrow during class. We started Unit VI: Imperialism today, and discussed the different types of imperialism (attached  below). Lastly, students used their textbook to complete the attached map of Imperialism in Africa. Please bring your textbooks on Friday for participation points! 



Today students took the Unit V Exam. Please bring your textbook tomorrow... it's worth 5 points! You'll also need to bring your textbook on Friday, please (5 points). 



Today we finished discussing "Movers and Shakers" and then reviewed for tomorrow's Unit V Exam (Industrial Revolution). I've attached the study guide and the PPT below. Please remember to bring your textbook Wednesday and Friday of this week. 



Today we discussed the last bit of information for Unit V, "Movers and Shakers" PPT, which goes over various inventions and their inventors. Please make sure you study for the upcoming Unit V Exam (November 28th). ENJOY YOUR THANKSGIVING BREAK! 



Today we discussed more attempts at fixing the problems experienced by people under Laissez-Faire Capitalism, including Socialism and Communism. We then listened to "The Internationale" in Russian (students read an English translation of the song). Lastly, I assigned the attached "Economy Sheet" for HW, due tomorrow. Please remember to study for your upcoming Unit V Exam (November 28th).  



Today we finished discussing Utopianism (from yesterday's PPT), another attempt at solving the problems with Laissez-Faire Capitalism. Next, we discussed other reform movements of the 19th century, including the abolition of slavery (in Britain), the growth of labor unions, and women's rights. Please remember to study for the upcoming Unit V Exam (November 28th). 



Today for periods 2, 3 I checked the HW (Venn Diagram). We finished discussing yesterday's information on the struggles of other European and Asian Countries went through on their path to industrialization. Next, we started the PPT below, "Changing Industrial World". We got through Utopianism in class and will finish this up tomorrow. Please make sure you're studying for the Unit V Exam (Tuesday, November 28th). 



Today I collected any late/absent student Nationalism Baseball cards (5 points off/day late). I then checked the HW (Venn Diagrams) for periods 1 & 4. For periods 2,3 the HW is to do the Venn Diagram comparing U.S. to British industrialization. Next, I gave out the Unit V Study Guide (Unit V Exam will be Tuesday, November 28th). Lastly, we discussed the obstacles to other countries' industrialization. 



Today I collected the Nationalism Baseball Cards projects. If you did not turn yours in today on time, 5 points will be deducted for every day it is late from your total score. Next, we discussed the Industrial Revolution in the U.S. For periods 1 and 4, you must complete a Venn Diagram comparing the U.S. to Britain's process of Industrialization for HW. I'll check this tomorrow. 



Because today was my first day back and I was not yet sure how things had gone last week, I checked in with students on how their last week went. I then did a brief overview of what students did last week, answering any questions as we went along. I then checked in with students as to their progress on their Nationalism Baseball Card project, which is due tomorrow, and answered any questions they had. Lastly, I showed some of my pictures from my trip last week to Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia. 



Today students read the attached documents and answered the questions pertaining to each of them. Students then wrote a paragraph answering the question, "Were English textile factories bad for the health of working class families?" (4-6 sentences, no "I"). Please remember your Nationalism Playing Card project is due on Tuesday. 



Today, the PPT "Industrialization Changes Life" was presented to students. Next, students answered the attached questions in complete sentences in their notebooks based on the attached graphs. In pairs, students shared their answers with each other, focusing on questions 5 & 6 in particular. 



Today students viewed the attached "Child Labor Photos" and described them in their notebooks. After discussing these pictures with classmates, students listened to "Voices From the Past: Charles Dickens" and answered questions about what they heard on the attached "Dickens' Voices from the Past + CLOZE". Lastly, students read their textbooks and filled in the information on the same document. 



I am out this entire week, but students started Unit V: The Industrial Revolution with the sub, Coach Q. Today students started off by answering the journal question: What types of technology do you use on a day-to-day basis? After a brief discussion, students then took notes on the attached PPT ("The Industrial Revolution Beginnings". Lastly, students watched the video (link on last slide of the PPT).



Today students took the Unit IV Quiz on European Nationalism and the Latin America Map. If you were absent today, you'll need to make this up on Monday, November 12th (the day I return to school). I also assigned the attached Nationalism Playing Card Assignment which is due Tuesday, November 13th. If you were absent, the sub (Coach Q) will give you your assignment on Monday. I WILL BE OUT ALL NEXT WEEK! PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR TEXTBOOK NEXT TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th (THIS IS WORTH POINTS!).  



Today students turned in the Ottoman Empire Packet. Next, we started discussing "Romanticism" and we'll finish this tomorrow (the attached file does not have the music, sorry!). Please remember you have a quiz this Friday on the Latin American Revolutions Map as well as European Nationalism. Lastly, I will not be here next week... PLEASE remember to bring your textbooks on Tuesday! 



Today I checked last night's HW (questions 4 & 5 + Bull's Eye of Ottoman Empire Packet). Next, we discussed the last bit of European Nationalism- the completion of the unification of Italy as well as the unification of Germany. Students then had time in class to work on the last page of the Ottoman Packet (page 5) --> due tomorrow if not completed and turned in today. Lastly, I reminded students to study for their Quiz on Friday (Latin America revolutions map + Nationalism in Europe) and to bring their textbooks next Tuesday when I will not be here. 



Today I checked the HW that was due (questions 1-3 of the Ottoman Empire Packet). Next, I reminded students that they have a closed note quiz this Friday on Nationalism in Europe as well as the Latin America Revolutions Map (I returned these graded today). I also reminded students that I will not be here next week and they need to bring their textbooks (worth 5 points) next Tuesday, November 7th. We then got into the attached PPT, continuing with nationalism in Europe. Lastly, students had about 20 minutes to work on the next part of the their Ottoman Empire Packet, questions 4,5 and the "bulls eye" (pages 17 & 18) --> this is due tomorrow. 



Today students turned in yesterday's HW (back side of Latin America Map) and yesterday's classwork if they didn't finish in class (Languages Fuel Nationalism). Next, I reminded students that I will be out the week of November 6th through the 9th (Friday November 10th there is no school) and explained what to expect that week. Next, we continued discussing Nationalism in Europe and got through the attached portion of the overall PPT. Lastly, students started working on an Ottoman Empire Packet. Please read the information on pages 4, 16, & 17  and answer questions 1-3 on page 17. 



Today I checked last night's HW (coloring the Latin American Revolutionaries Map). Next, students took an open-note quiz on the Latin American Revolutions. Students then began working on the attached "Languages Fuel Nationalism" worksheet, which is due tomorrow. For HW tonight, students are to complete the review on the back of their Latin American Revolutionaries Map (document attached below) as well as finish what they did not in class today for the "Languages Fuel Nationalism". I will check both tomorrow, unless you turned yours in today and I already have it. Lastly, we started talking about Nationalism in Europe. 



Today we listened to "Voices of the Past: Hidalgo" and answered questions. After discussing our answers, students worked on the attached Latin America Map (directions also attached). 



Today we started with a brief video on Simon Bolivar ("El Libertador"). Next, we completed the attached PPT, which we started discussing last week. In preparation for a listening activity tomorrow, students also wrote down the "Voices from the Past- Hidalgo" questions (which they will answer in-class tomorrow). This Thursday is an Open Note Quiz on the Latin American Revolutions we've talked about thus far in the unit. If you've missed any notes, please make sure you get them from this website and keep them in order! You will not be able to use someone else's notebook nor go to your locker if you forget your notebook. 



Today students got back into their groups (from Friday's activity) and finished filling in their charts on Hidalgo, Toussaint, and Bolivar. Next, we went through slides 3-5 of the attached PPT (map of Latin America, L'Ouverture, Jose de San Martin). I've also included a link to some quick current facts about Haiti. 



Today we finished discussing the social hierarchy established by the Spaniards & Portuguese in Latin America. Next, we got into groups of three and each student was assigned a Latin American Revolution Leader (either Toussaint, Hidalgo, or Bolivar). Students read the biography of their person as well as a document written by their person and filled out a chart. Attached is the "Latin American Leaders Reading". Please use this information (if necessary) to finish your chart using the bios. I have retyped their primary source documents (use these if it's easier to read them). I've also retyped the charts (use them if its easier). Lastly, I've included helpful vocab for your documents (color-coded and alphabetized). If you did not finish in class, you need to use the information to fill in the charts on your person only. We'll finish sharing on Monday. 



Today we discussed the Unit III Test results. Students then answered the Journal Question: Around the World (or on a another, smaller scale, like school), how are power structures organized? How does race, wealth, education, gender, religion, fear, strength of the military, etc. play a role? After a long, student-led discussion, we started Unit IV: Nationalistic Revolutions of Latin America and Europe. We started (only got title slide and slide 2) the attached PPT. There is no HW tonight. 



Today we reviewed for tomorrow's Unit III French Revolution, Napoleon, and Congress of Vienna Exam. I will not post my review questions (you can make your own review questions!), but I do have some review videos linked below, as well as the Study Guide.



Today we did "voices from the past" on the death of Napoleon. We then discussed the Congress of Vienna. Test Wednesday!!! Please study! 



Today we discussed the answers to last night's HW. Next, we finished discussing Napoleon, including the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the Fall of Napoleon's Empire, and Napoleon's demise. If you were absent, please make sure you also copy down the questions on the last slide of the attached PPT. We'll answer them in class on Monday. We also watched two videos linked below (from the same website, one comes on right after the other).
Please enjoy your weekend and make sure you study for next Wednesday's Unit III Exam! 



Today we started off by discussing the answers to yesterday's textbook work on the guillotine. Next, we watched a brief video on Robespierre's "Reign of Terror" (link below). Lastly, we started discussing the Rise of Napoleon, which will be continued tomorrow. HW: "French Revolution CLOZE" attached below. This a BASIC review of some of the events we've discussed so far. Please make sure you are studying and reviewing information for the upcoming Unit III Exam (scheduled for next Wednesday).  



Today we watched a short video from on Marie Antoinette. Next, we finished yesterday's information about Robespierre and the Reign of Terror. Lastly, students used page 225 in the textbook to answer questions about the guillotine (found on second to the last slide of the attached PPT). Please study for your Unit III Exam which will be next Wednesday! 



Today we started class by going over last night's HW and then students turned it in. Next, we looked at a political cartoon criticizing the French tax system prior to the French Revolution (please see slides 7 & 8 in the attached "French Revolution" PPT). Next, I handed out the study guide for the Unit III Exam, the test is scheduled for next Wednesday, October 18th. Lastly, we started discussing "Terror Grips France" and we'll finish this tomorrow. There is no HW tonight, but I strongly suggest students begin studying for the Unit III Exam. 



Today, students had some time to discuss their HW (last page of French Revolution Packet) with another in class before turning in their French Revolution Packet. Next, we watched clips of the film "Marie Antoinette" and answered the three questions embedded in the attached PPT. Lastly, we finished the attached PPT by discussing the last few events (Roman Numerals IV and V) leading up to the start of the French Revolution. For HW students are to read the attached "Declaration of the Rights of Man" document and answer the questions in complete sentences on another sheet of paper. 



Today we started off by going over the HW and I gave students some time to color part of their HW if they didn't have access to colors at home. Next, I discussed this weekend's HW with students (the attached document with Sources A-F and the questions that go along with them). These questions are due Monday. Lastly, we discussed the causes of the French Revolution and the problems with King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette (Roman Numerals II and III of the attached PPT). 



Today students answered the journal question: For what reason(s) would you join a revolutionary movement? After discussing this, we started Unit III: French Revolution. We only went through the title slide and the first slide (on the three estates). Next, we worked on page one and two of a French Revolution Packet. Students need to complete the first page (on the good and bad points of King Louis XVI as well as the bottom question on that page [do not use "I think..."]) as well as complete questions one and two on the second page. 



Today students had 25 minutes to write their in-class DBQ. 



Today students took the Unit II Test on the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the Enlightenment's influence on the American Revolution. Tonight, please make sure you fill out your Enlightenment paragraph chart and PLEASE do not forget to bring that and your DBQ packet tomorrow for the in-class paragraph. 



Today we reviewed for tomorrow's Unit II Test. I also went over how to write an ID (extra credit on tomorrow's test)- please see PPT below. Lastly, we looked at some examples of DBQs (in-class DBQ on Wednesday). 



Today we discussed last night's HW (Doc E). I then continued to go over how to properly write DBQs (you will write a DBQ in class next Wednesday). Lastly, I discussed the forming of a new nation (United States). Please make sure you're studying for next Tuesday's Unit II Test (study guide attached). I have also included all of the information for next Wednesday's in-class timed DBQ paragraph. Please remember to start working on filling out the chart using bullet points. 



Today we discussed last night's HW (Documents C & D). Next, we discussed the spread of the Enlightenment. Lastly, we discussed DBQs (this information is not available on the website. Please see a fellow student's information for help, although there is also help in your writing for history packet. Tonight for HW, please read and answer the questions for Document E in your DBQ packet. Lastly, please remember to study for your Unit II Test (next Tuesday).  



Today we started off by checking and going over the answers to last night's HW (Documents A and B for the upcoming DBQ). We then did a quick review of the Enlightenment Philosophers we've discussed. Lastly, we discussed how the Enlightenment Spread (hint, some of this information will be helpful for your upcoming DBQ). Tonight for HW, please read and answer the questions for documents C & D in your DBQ packet. 



Today we finished up Rousseau and Beccaria. We then discussed the upcoming DBQ paragraph (to be written in class next Wednesday, October 4th), the documents are attached. You need to do Documents A and B for HW tonight. We then discussed Wollstonecraft. 



Today we finished discussing Voltaire and Montesquieu. We then looked at some political cartoons and a short SNL clip to understand satire. Lastly, we discussed Rousseau and Beccaria. Please make sure you're studying for your Unit II Exam (Tuesday, October 3rd). 



Today we started by going over the Unit II Study Guide (Test planned for October 3rd). Next, students answered the journal question: What are the positives and negatives of freedom of speech? Should speech ever be limited? Explain. We discussed students' answers and then got into the Enlightenment philosophers Voltaire and Montesquieu. 



Today we finished discussing John Locke. Students then had the choice to work by themselves, with one other person, or with two other people to delve into the philosophical differences between Hobbes and Locke by working on the attached document ("DBQ Vocab." is help for specific vocabulary in the documents). The document is due tomorrow if you did not finish in class. 



Today we went over the HW answers from last night. Next, students answered the following question in their journal: Whose ideas do you find "mind blowing" or insightful? Why? After we discussed some answers to the journal question, we started discussing the first two Enlightenment philosophers, Hobbes and Locke. Lastly, students worked in pairs on the attached Hobbes vs. Locke DBQ activity. Students will finish this tomorrow in class.  



Today, students worked in groups of four to review the answers to last night's HW before turning it in. Next, we started Unit II: The Enlightenment & It's Influence on the American Revolution. In order to understand the roots of the Enlightenment, we discussed the Scientific Revolution today. I assigned the attached review sheet as HW, due tomorrow. 



Today, students took their Unit I Exam. Afterwards, students worked on reading the attached document from Aristotle and answering the questions that go along with it. The questions are due tomorrow (Tuesday, September 19th). 



Today we went over last night's HW (review crossword). We then discussed the last information for the Unit I Exam (Monday). Please remember to study for this exam over the weekend! 



Today students had some time to finish up the primary source document analysis of King James I's speech to Parliament. Next, we discussed the English Civil War. I've assigned HW (a Unit I Exam Review Crossword) but I do not have an electronic copy of it so I'm unable to upload it to the website. *Reminder: Unit I Exam is on Monday, September 18th! 



Today we finished discussing the background to the Magna Carta via notes. Next, students broke into groups to do a "jigsaw" activity (each student put two of the Magna Carta's clauses in their own words and then shared with their group members).  After this, students worked independently to analyze King James I's speech to Parliament (directions on attached document). 



Today students worked in groups of 3-4 to give feedback/ editing help on the thesis statements they wrote for HW last night. Students had an opportunity to amend their thesis before turning it in to me. Next, we finished discussing King Philip II of Spain. Lastly, we learned the background on the Magna Carta (tomorrow students will work in groups to learn what the Magna Carta states/what rights it protects). REMINDER: tomorrow is the last day to turn in your syllabus signed (for the full points). 



Today we got new seats. Please email me if your seat is an issue (eyesight, eye line, etc.). Next, we finished up the information on China that we started last Friday. Thirdly, we took the Open Note Quiz. If you were absent, talk to me the day you return to make this up. Lastly, we started discussing King Philip II of Spain, which we'll finish tomorrow. HW Tonight: write a thesis (chicken foot) answering the question on the attached PPT. This is due tomorrow. 



Today, we continued with writing and focused on thesis writing. We also looked at examples of good vs. bad thesis statements. Next, we started, but did not finish, the attached PPT on China becoming isolationist. ***Reminder: The syllabus needs to be signed and returned by next Wednesday please. ***Reminder: YOU HAVE AN OPEN-NOTE QUIZ ON MONDAY COVERING INFORMATION FROM 08/28 TO 09/06. If you've been absent or if you transferred into my class you are responsible for getting the missed information from the class website. *** Reminder: Your Unit I Exam is Monday, Sept. 18th (study guide attached)



Today, I started off by giving out the Unit I Study Guide. The Unit I test is scheduled for Monday, September 18th. Next, I introduced writing for History, which is different than writing for English. I gave out a packet for "Writing for History" (all attachments are below). Although this is a four-page packet, we only discussed the first and second pages ("HAPPY analysis" and a bit of "Thesis writing".) We looked at the attached Primary Source Document and individually analyzed it using the "H.A.P.P.Y." guidelines. We then discussed the differing answers students arrived at and why/how they could arrive at different interpretations. ***Reminder: The syllabus needs to be signed and returned by next Wednesday please. ***Reminder: YOU HAVE AN OPEN-NOTE QUIZ ON MONDAY COVERING INFORMATION FROM 08/28 TO 09/06. If you've been absent or if you transferred into my class you are responsible for getting the missed information from the class website.



Today we finished what we were discussing yesterday (Age of Exploration). I also went over the most important parts of the syllabus. The syllabus needs to be signed and returned by next Wednesday please. 



 Today students answered the journal question: What encourages people to explore the unknown? (consider the actions of astronauts, folks who've signed up with Space X, etc.). Next, we discussed the expansion of European trade from the 1400s on with the "Age of Exploration".  



 Today we watched the video (from yesterday's notes) on the Ottoman and Safavid empire. Students answered the attached questions (1-5). Next, we discussed the answers to the "Safavid" column on the chart we made. Lastly, we discussed the Mughal Empire. For HW, please fill in the "Mughal" column on the chart. Enjoy your three-day weekend and I'll see you on Tuesday! 



 Today we finished any information we did not complete yesterday. Next, students drew a chart to compare the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires and completed the "Ottoman" section of the chart. Next, students learned about the Safavid Empire. Lastly, depending on which class you were in, we either watched a video on the Ottoman and Safavid Empires (period 1) or we worked to complete the 2nd column ("Safavid") before class ended (periods 2,3,4). Tonight for HW, please make sure the Safavid column is filled out on your chart. 



 Today we finished up a bit of yesterday's information, including some of the notes and a Primary Source Analysis of a painting of King Louis XIV of France. Next, I passed out the worksheet "gunpowder empires- MOD" and students filled in the information as we went over it ("Gunpowder Empires- Ottoman" PPT). Do not complete the chart at the bottom of the worksheet, please. 



 Today we started Unit I: Struggle for Democracy.We started with a journal ("What can you tell me about democracy?") and students shared their answer with a partner. Next, we completed the attached notes. There is no HW tonight.  



 Today students filled out the attached questionnaire. We then discussed their answers to some of the questions. Next, I introduced myself and the classroom. Lastly, students introduced themselves to their group members. 
 We are discussing the first bit of information for Unit I tomorrow. If possible, please bring a 200-page notebook to utilize for this class throughout the school year.