Astronomy (Period 2) Assignments

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Here is our Chapter Questions work for The Sun.



Here is your diagram of Solar Structure, due in class today.  Make sure to give it a title and label all indicated structures.  Remember - color helps you learn!



Here is the pdf for notes on our new unit, the Sun.  Please note that you are responsible at this time for only the first 16 slides of this 34-slide presentation.



Here is the pdf for Cornell-style  notes on Tides.  Please note that the title page refers to another textbook with similar information; our book info is 6.6 Tides, pp 204-209.
Also, here is the text questions worksheet for 6.6 Tides



Here it the Google Slides presentation for 6.1, Description of the Moon
Also included are questions for this section.  You will find the answers on pages 188-193.



Earth as a Planet – Pretest Questions

Answer all 8 questions in short answer form.  Use your book, notes, each other and me to make sure you are answering correctly.

On Monday you will bring your “rough draft” answers ONLY with you to class.  I will choose FOUR of the original EIGHT questions.  Write your answers to the chosen questions and turn in as your test.

  1. How does the density of a planet reflect its distance from the Sun in the Solar System?  Is there a relationship between a planet’s density and its size?  How or how not?
  2. Why is the inner core solid even though it is hotter than the outer liquid core?
  3. How do the two layers of Earth’s core function to create and maintain the magnetic field?
  4. Using the layers of the Earth as example, explain how the process of differentiation works in planet construction.
  5. Explain how convection currents in the Earth’s mantle contribute to the movement of tectonic plates.
  6. As with many things in life, the universe and everything, the Greenhouse Effect has both positive and negative consequences for Earth and its atmosphere.  What are these consequences, and what happens via the Greenhouse Effect when there’s too much or too little of it?
  7. If you fill a VERY large bathtub with water and let the water drain out, you will notice that the water turns clockwise.  What kind of motion is this an example of?  How does this motion affect the waters and air currents of earth?
  8. How does the earth’s magnetic field help protect us from the Sun’s excess radiation?  What are some of the lovely examples of this protection called and how are they generated?

On Monday you will turn in your Pretest/rough draft – worth 20 points - stapled behind your  test/final draft – worth 20 points – plus your self-created study guide - for 10 points - for a total of 50 test/quiz points.
NOTE: Since you have THREE DAYS to work on the questions for the ACTUAL TEST, the answers for this test should be really, really well-written and informed.



Attached you will find our Google Slides presentation for 5.7 Earth's Movements.  Also below are the questions you will need to answer after you read the alligned text:

Astronomy / Mrs. Greenberg
5.7:  Earth’s Movements, pp 168-171

Directions:  Answer these questions in FULL SENTENCES on a separate piece of paper, and turn in by Tuesday, 5/2/2017.
You may also share them: [email protected] or share them with me from Google Docs.

  1. What is the Coriolis Effect?
  2. What actions, activities or things on earth are affected by the Coriolis Effect?
  3. What are jet streams?
  4. On what other planets are jet streams found, and what surface feature is partly caused by this effect?
  5. How are the Coriolis Effect and a Foucault pendulum related?
  6. What is Earth’s precession?
  7. Describe how and why precession occurs.
  8. What was the “pole star” during the time the pyramids were built in ancient Egypt?
  9. What will star will Earth’s North Pole point to in 12,000 years??
  10. How might a new ice age be triggered, and when?




Oh no!  Your crazy cousin is at it again.  (He never was too bright.)  He’s telling everyone he knows that the magnetic poles of the Earth will reverse and all life as we know it will END!  He’s got the whole family in an uproar!  What an idiot.

Fortunately, you have solid evidence – in the form of the articles you have read, and your textbook - that your crazy cousin is wrong, wrong, wrong!  

Your assignment is to write a one-to-two page letter to your crazy cousin and tell him that although he’s correct that Earth’s magnetic poles do reverse, he’s got all the details mixed up.  

Cover in your letter -
- Earth’s history of magnetic pole reversal.
- Evidence we have that pole reversals occur and how often.
- Who tracks the movement of the magnetic North Pole and why.
- Where the pole may end up in the next few decades.
- What happens at Earth’s core to create our magnetic field?
- How long these reversals take and what happens during them.
- Why we don’t have to worry, we’re really quite safe!

Neatness counts.  Clarity counts.  Spelling and grammar count.  Back up your explanations with the evidence you find in your articles and textbook.  40 points.



Attached you will find the Google Slides presentation for 7.6 Earth's Magnetic Fields.



Lunar Log - Lunar Altitude for March & April 2017
This will be a daily task for you between 3/14/2017 and 4/13/2017.
We will be measuring lunar altitude for an approximate lunar cycle - from full moon to new moon to full moon - and then graphing it against tidal heights for Santa Monica Bay.  YOU will be responsibly for collecting your lunar altitude measurements, and I will be giving you a tidal calendar to compare and graph with.
Attached you will find a moonrise & moonset calendar for reference plus your lunar log, ready to fill out EVERY night (or morning, depending upon the times of moonrise and moonset).
This data collection will be counted as a TEST grade, worth up to 30 points for data collection, plus 20 points for accuracy.



Bring your Lunar Log to class tomorrow!  We will be completing our individual graphs according to your measurments.  We will then take our individual graphs and aggregate the entire class's worth of data!



Attached is your assignment due tomorrow:
Inquiry Activity - Volcano & Earthquake Lab
  • Put your name, today's date and class period in the upper RH corner.
  • You will be creating a scatter chart of data on the gridded map of the Pacific Ocean and lands surrounding it.  Using TWO COLORS to plot your data, enter the latitudes and longitudes (also known as coordinates) for the listed active volcanoes and major earthquakes (of 1978!) on the map.  
  • NOTE:  East is to the LEFT of the 180o meridian, while West is to its RIGHT.
  • NOTE:  If the coordinates are not on the map - some won't be - DON'T PANIC!!  Simply cross that set out and keep on going.
  • NOTE:  YOU  DO NOT NEED TO LABEL YOUR POINTS!  Just make sure that you use different colors for the volcanoes and earthquakes, and provide a key for the color.
Answer on the back of the map - Is there a relationship between the active volcanoes and earthquakes you plotted?  If so, what is it?  Write in whole sentences.



Here is our Google Slides presentation/activity on the Modified Mercalli Scale.  We will be completing it tomorrow in class.



Your Study Guide for Chapter Test - Chapter Three - Lights & Atoms.



Here is the Prezi I wasn't able to show most of you today or yesterday.  Please copy and summarize for notes.
Here also is the Google Slides for Earthquakes for notes.  You are only responsible for the notes on the first 19 slides.  
Draw, label and color the diagram on a separate sheet of paper:  "Anatomy of an Earthquake"  on slide #19, and turn it in to me before adding it to your notebook.



Here is the presentation for Doppler Effect notes.
PLEASE NOTE:  The slides you need are towards the end of this massive pdf:  slide numbers 29-34.



Here is the Prezi - Wen's Law & Blackbodies; and Google Slides - Three Types of Spectra - that we used for notes today.
Here as well is the video we watched on Vantablack material.



Here is our Prezi on Wien's Law and Black Bodies, and our video on Wave/Particle Duality.



Here is a template for the periodic table,  Your assignment is to color the table, NOT in elemental families, but INSTEAD color according to the origin of the element!  Your textbook has an astronomic periodic table inside its back cover.  You may also use the image attached, which is more complex and accurate than the one in your book. The book version will earn you full credit, or 20 project points.  The attached version will earn you 25% extra credit, or 25/20 points.  It is more complex and more difficult to get right.  Your call.
PLEASE NOTE that the attached version ALSO only goes up to atomic mass 92.  This is because all elements with an atomic mass of 93 and above are human-created.  Make sure to add them into your key!
ALSO - you received a 3-page pkt of element ID worksheets. These are available in class if you missed them.



Bring a cardboard shoebox to school by Wednesday!  We need10-12 shoe boxes per class period so that each group of 3 can replicate Herschel's prism experiment.



Here is the Prezi for our notes today:  



Here are your notes for 3.2 The EM Spectrum - Beyond Visible Light
Your homework is to complete these notes that we began today in class.



Here are our notes for 3.1 - Properties of Light.



Make a Newton's Laws crossword puzzle!
Create a crossword puzzle using AT LEAST 12 out of the 16 terms listed:
Inertia, Acceleration, ActionReaction, Newtons, IsaacNewton, Gravity, OrbitalVelocity, EscapeVelocity, Attraction, Mass, Energy, Force, Lift, Weight, Thrust, Drag.
Words will cross each other on the graph and share letters.
Each term will have its definition as its clue.
NOTE:  I will pick out the best crossword puzzle in each class and assign it for homework for that period!  And the winner will receive double credit!!!



We are having a quiz on Chapter 3 "Light & Atoms" sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4.
Attached is your study guide.  Please note that this file is TWO study guides with the same info on ONE guide.  Also, please note that all material on the quiz may not be covered on the study guide.  Your best bet is to review your notes and textbook.



Here is the google slides presentation for our notes on The Law of Universal Gravitation.



Newton's Laws of Motion Model and Demonstration
For the next three days you will either work alone or with a team of NO MORE THAN THREE people to create a workable model of one of the laws of Newton's Laws of Motion.  You will pick your primary law by drawing a slip of paper with its name from a bag.
You will use materials we have in the classroom plus items you will bring from home.  If you use things from the classroom, please ask me before you go cutting into them; I may still need them whole after we're finished.
Think of the OK GO video, "This too shall pass" for inspiration.
Needing/Getting is pretty darned inspirational, too.
Parents:  This is a great time to use up small odds & ends you have at home and don't know what to do with:  orphan nuts, bolts. ancient keys, long-ish bits of wire, small non-working electrical thingamabobs, left-over craft supplies like yarn, pipe cleaners, lollipop sticks, paper or plastic cups etc...  send them to our class with your student!  Small boxes, like shoe boxes or small shipping boxes are great, as well.  We take donations of masking and scotch tape, too!  And THANK YOU!!!
When you and your team (if you have one) are complete, you will demonstrate your law to me and any volunteer students with your model.  You will then (1) explain how this model demonstrates/models your Law; (2) explain how it also demonstrates the other two Laws; and (3) explain how gravity factors into your demonstration.
EXTRA CREDIT - Explain how your demo/model of laws relate to the laws as part of astronomy - how the universe/ solar system/ Sun etc work!
  • Tuesday:  Receive Law; assembly team; discuss model designs; research on internet.
  • Wednesday:  Bring in materials if needed; assemble model.
  • Thursday:  Complete model; practice demonstration.
  • Friday:  Complete model & rehearsals, give demonstration to Mrs. Greenberg



Here are our notes for Inertia - Newton's First Law of Motion.



Here are the notes for our first lecture on Sir Isaac Newton and his laws of Motion and Gravity.