World History (Period 5) Assignments

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 Today we reviewed for the Spring Final Exam! We did our timed "I have... Who has..." game (I will give the results tomorrow) and played Jeopardy! 
Please make sure you're studying for the Final Exam! I've attached the study guide below. 



Today we reviewed for the Final Exam by playing the "I have... Who has..." game. We also watched various John Green World History videos, the links are below. 



Today we discussed post-U.S.S.R. Russia and then we played some review games for the upcoming Final Exam. 



Today we discussed the break up of the Soviet Union and the end to the Cold War. 



Today we finished discussing the genocides in the former Yugoslavia, including some video clips. Next, we started reviewing for the Spring Final Exam. 



Today we finished discussing the fall of communism in Romania. Next, we started discussing the break up of Yugoslavia and the genocide which followed. 



Today we discussed the end of communism in Eastern Europe, including the fall of the Berlin Wall. View the PPT. in "Slideshow" mode- if you click on the picture of people standing on the Berlin Wall it will take you to a link of a video of the night the Berlin Wall was starting to be taken down (very interesting!!!). 



Today I gave students a few minutes to discuss (for the last time!) any items for their DBQ. Students then completed their timed DBQ response. 



Today I discussed how to properly cite (parenthetically) information from a document in answering a document based question (DBQ). Tomorrow students will answer a DBQ (documents are attached) in class. Next, we discussed American intervention in Central America and Mexico. 



Today I gave out the Spring Final Exam Study Guide. Please see attached. Next, I gave students time to work in groups on their DBQs (who, based on the evidence, assassinated Patrice Lumumba and for which reasons).  The DBQ is to be written in class on Wednesday. 



Today we discussed documents C and D for next week's DBQ. Over the weekend, please look over the documents and last Wednesday's PPT to "digest" the information and think about what the documents support in answering the DBQ question "What were the reasons for the assassination of Patrice Lamumba and who may be responsible for doing it". Next, we discussed American involvement in South America and followed this up with clips from the film "Four Days in September". If you were absent today you'll need to complete the attached alternate assignment. 



Today we discussed documents A and B which will be used to answer the DBQ next Wednesday (all documents and assignment attached below). Next we discussed the "Crisis in the Congo" which should also be used to answer next week's DBQ. For HW tonight, Documents C and D need to be read and their respective questions need to be answered thoroughly. 



Today we started with "Struggle for Democracy in Africa". Next, we watched clips from the "Last King of Scotland". If you were absent today, you need to complete the "Last King of Scotland Alt Assignment" attached below. Lastly, we will be writing a DBQ paragraph next week on the 24th in class. I have uploaded the assignment as well as the documents required to answer the DBQ. I assigned documents A, and B (due Wednesday). 



Today we started this year's last unit: Unit 12: Struggles for Democracy! We discussed India and Pakistan post-Independence (from Britain). We also watched some film clips about this and answered the questions attached below. If you were absent, please see me. 



Today we took our last Unit Exam. If you were absent today, please know that you'll be expected to make up the exam tomorrow (or when you return to school). Your absence must be cleared to make-up the exam. 



Today we discussed the calming down of Cold War Tensions in the 1970s and the increasing tensions in the 1980s. Test will be on Thursday!!! 



Today we discussed both the Civil War in Cambodia as well as the establishment and growth of Israel. Please remember, the Unit Test has been changed to this Thursday. 



Today we finished discussing the Conflict/War in Vietnam. We also listened to two protest songs, one by Marvin Gaye and one by Buffalo Springfield. Enjoy your weekend! Unit Test is next Thursday. 



Today we did the Open Note Quiz. If you were absent today, you'll make it up tomorrow. We then started discussing the Vietnam Conflict. 



Today we finished the "Fidel" clips we started yesterday. We then did the attached Vietnamese Peninsula map. Unfortunately we ran out of time for the open note quiz, which will be done tomorrow.  



Today we watched clips from the film "Fidel". If you were absent, please complete the attached assignment and turn in for points. 



Due to technical difficulties, we watched the escape from East Berlin clip which was meant to be shown last Friday, today. Next, we finished discussing the Cuban Revolution. Please be advised that there will be an open-note quiz on Wednesday which will cover information since April 14th, the start of this Unit. 



Today we finished discussing "Eastern Resistance". Because of technical difficulties I had to change some things up, and we started the Cuban Revolution. 



Today we finished the "Space Race" and then started "Eastern Resistance". I also assigned HW on Sputnik



Today we discussed Brinkmanship and the Space Race. I also assigned the attached document to read and answer questions in complete sentences on the back or a separate sheet of paper. 



Today we finished up the U.N. Conflict in Korea. Next, students got into groups to analyze the attached Korean conflict documents. 



Today we discussed the HW. Then we worked on the Korean Peninsula map. Lastly, we discussed the U.N. Conflict in Korea. 



Today we finished discussing the Chinese Civil War. Next, I assigned the attached two documents with questions to answer. This is due Monday. 



Today we went over a political cartoon pertaining to the Berlin Airlift (see yesterday's notes). We then started the Chinese Civil War, part II. 



Today we discussed last night's HW. Next, we discussed the Berlin Airlift. 



Today we finished discussing "Superpowers Face Off", including the graph and political cartoon analysis. Lastly, students read the attached document "Iron Curtain Speech" and answered the questions in complete sentences in their notebooks. 



Today I gave out the Unit XI Study Guide (Test May 8). Next, we started working on the NATO vs Warsaw Pact Map (due Thursday). Lastly, we started discussing "Superpowers Face Off" which we'll finish tomorrow. 



We started off today by looking at the scantron scores from yesterday's Unit X (WWII) Test. We then started Unit XI (Cold War) by discussing the attached PPT and I also assigned the attached reading on the Yalta Conference. NOTE: Today's PPT has pictures of the Berlin Wall (2016) and "Check Point Charlie" (2016). 



Today students took their Unit X (World War II) exams. If you were absent today, you will be expected to make up this  exam tomorrow. 



We reviewed for tomorrow's WWII Exam. Please make sure you bring a pencil, pen, and your Europe and Asia Maps (these are due today!) 



Today we discussed the Manhattan project. 



Today we discussed the Allied Plans to end WWII in Europe and got through most of the Allied Victory in Europe! 



Despite not having discussed it in class yet, I briefly explained the Allied Invasion of France, which began with "D-Day". I showed the first 25 minutes of "Saving Private Ryan" which depicts the "D-Day" invasion. Have a great Spring Break! 



Today we finished up the "Pacific Campaign" we started yesterday. I also showed the attached WWII Pacific photographs. 



Today we discussed the Japanese Pacific Campaign. There are hyperlinks embedded in the PPT so view as a 'slideshow' and click on pictures (some will link to other areas in the PPT. as well as a clip from "Pearl Harbor").  We will finish this tomorrow. 



Today we talked about Hitler on the Mediterranean Front as well as starting to invade the Soviet Union. 



Today we jumped back in to WWII with Hitler's Lightning War on the Western Front. I am also pushing back your WWII exam to Thursday, April 13th. 



Today we finished the "Schindler's Lists" clips. If you were absent, please see me. 



Today we continued with watching "Schindler's List". We'll complete this tomorrow and discuss. 



Today we finished up the Holocaust Pics and then started watching "Schindler's List". We will continue with this tomorrow. 



Today we finished analyzing some Nazi Propaganda. Next, I gave out the Unit X Study Guide. We then began discussing "The Holocaust" and lastly, we looked at some pictures from the Holocaust. 



Today we debriefed last week's Socratic Seminar. Next, we finished discussing the notes from last Thursday (Life in Nazi Germany). Lastly, we looked at laws passed after Kristallnacht as well as some Nazi propaganda, answered questions about these, and discussed. 



Today students conducted a Socratic Seminar. In preparation for this, students were required to write six questions about the reading. If you were absent, you'll need to answer your own questions that you wrote; turn your answers, the questions, and your hi-lighted and annotated reading on Monday. If you were here today, you should have already turned in the reading and your questions. Please fill out the attached self-analysis and turn in on Monday (again, only if you participated today do you need to do the self-analysis). 



Today we discussed "Life in Germany". Please make sure you complete directions 1-5 tonight for HW for Friday's Socratic Seminar! 



Today we started off by debriefing yesterday's group work on the Rape of Nanking documents. Next, I gave out the attached WWII Asia maps and the directions. Lastly, we went over the Rape of Nanking as well as some pictures from the invasion. The Rape of Nanking ppt is attached below but not the ppt. wit the images from the invasion. For HW, please make sure you start working on your Asia map as well number 4 for the Socratic Seminar reading. (note: for the Asia Map, please check with me or a peer for the extra hand-made fixes). 



Today I checked in with students on their Socratic Seminar preparation progress. For HW tonight, please complete #3 (Directions and reading attached below). Next, I explained a bit about the Rape of Nanking before giving students four different documents from different perspectives about this atrocity. Students had to read the documents, fill out the attached questionnaire, and discuss with at least one partner. 



Today students took the QUEST. Next, we went over the reading for the upcoming Socratic Seminar. Directions are attached below and this weekend's HW is to complete numbers 1 and 2 for the attached reading "The Children's Story". 



Today students finished discussing "Aggressors on the March". Next, I went through a review with students for tomorrow's Unit IX Quest (Quiz/Test). Lastly, students were able to use my crayons, markers, and colored pencils to work on map directions 1-4 which is due tomorrow.  



Today we discussed the Unit IX Review Crossword Puzzle which students worked on yesterday. Next, we continued going over "Aggressors on the March" PPT. We'll finish this up tomorrow as well as review for Friday's Unit IX QUEST. 



Today I was absent. Students met with my sub, Mr. Rothenberg, at the Guidance Counselors' offices to sign up for next year's classes. If you were absent today, please see any counselor as soon as possible, including nutrition, brunch and lunch to sign up for next year's classes as a Junior!!!  



Today we finished discussing the "Rise of Fascism". Next, I passed out the attached map and its directions which we will be using over the next few days to see the physical political growth of both Germany's Third Reich as well as the growth of Mussolini's (Italy). Please follow the directions in order explicitly. If you do not have colored pencils, markers, or crayons at home, you can come in during lunch on Tuesdays or brunch on Wednesdays to borrow mine. Next, we started the PPT which goes along with this map. This will also be the topic over the next few days. 



Today we finished up the 14 Characteristics of Fascism. Next, we pretended to be desperate German citizens who were voting in a national election. Students justified who they voted for. Lastly, we started discussing how Mussolini and Hitler came to power in their respective countries. 



Today we finished discussing "Post War Uncertainty". We then discussed the "14 Characteristics of Fascism". I also gave out and briefly discussed the Study Guide, attached below. Test is scheduled for Friday, March 3. 



Today we started on Unit IX: Years of Crisis (rise of fascism in Europe). We discussed the HW and started on the attached PPT. If you go through the PPT as a slide show you can enjoy the music! 



Today students took the Unit VIII Test on Revolutions and Nationalism in Russia/U.S.S.R., China, India, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico. If absent, you will make this up Wednesday and Thursday. I assigned the attached reading on the Economic Depression in Germany for HW, due tomorrow. 



No school today due to President's Day! Study for tomorrow's test please! 



Today we reviewed for Tuesday's Unit Exam. Please see the attached study guide and email me if you have any specific questions. 



Today we discussed last night's HW. Next, we finished yesterday's review of the notes (CLOZE activity). Lastly, we started (only got through the title slide and first slide of information) the attached notes on the Mexican Revolution. 



Today we discussed the Indian Independence Movement (attached). I then assigned the attached reading on Gandhi and the Amritsar Massacre for HW (please answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper in complete sentences). Lastly, we learned about independence movements in Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Please remember, test a week from tomorrow on this material! 



Today we finished discussing the Chinese Civil War, "part I". We then watched a video about this as well as "part II", which doesn't happen until after World War I. After discussing the video, we started talking about the Indian Independence Movement, but we'll have to finish this on Monday. Please make sure you're studying for the Unit VIII Exam, which will be Tuesday, February 21. 



Today we discussed last night's HW (Mao Zedong quotes and questions) in both small groups and as a class. Next, I had a "tough love" conversation with the class pertaining to signing up for AP U.S. History next year (rigor of the class, expectations, skills necessary, time management, etc.). Lastly, we finished discussing the Chinese Civil War (notes attached below). 



Today I gave students a few minutes to finish up their Stalin propaganda poster gallery walk (all documents are attached below). Next, I discussed the HW assignment with students (Mao Zedong quotes and questions) which is due tomorrow. Lastly, we started talking about The "Collapse of Imperial China". We'll finish this PPT tomorrow.



Today we had an academic counselor come into the classroom to discuss options for next year's classes as  well as the prerequisites for some of those classes. The counselor also discussed school-involvement opportunities such as Link Crew and the "A.P. Bootcamp" which CCHS is offering to students this summer for extra preparatory help for students who want to take A.P. classes next year. If you are interested in any of these opportunities please sign up ASAP! I also recommend you talk with me about APUSH Summer Bootcamp before signing up. If you were absent today you need to go up to the Academic Counseling offices to grab a yellow form and fill it out before we meet with the counselors on February 28th.  



Today we talked about Stalin's changes to the Soviet Economy and how he maintained control. Next, we looked at five different propaganda posters and analyzed them using the attached chart. If you were absent today, please look at all five and fill out the chart (turn in the chart for points). 



Today we finished the "Soviet Union Totalitarian State" which we started yesterday. Using the textbook to complete the chart at the end of the PPT. 



Today we watched a historical documentary on the Russian Revolution. Next, we started learning about the effects of Lenin on the U.S.S.R. We will continue this tomorrow. Please bring your textbook tomorrow for points. 



Today we finished discussing the Russian Revolution and Civil War. We also watched a video clip on the death of Rasputin (video link below is about 10 people, but Rasputin's death is discussed at 8 minutes and 33 seconds into the video). Lastly, we listened to "Voices from the Past" on Anastasia Romanov. 



Today we continued with the Russian Revolution (please see notes attached below). I also gave out the Unit VIII Study Guide (test will not be for approximately three weeks). 



Today students worked in pairs to complete the attached chart using the six different bios on "characters" in the Russian Revolution. Next, we started discussing the Russian Revolution with the attached PPT which we will finish tomorrow. 



Today students took the Unit VII (World War I) Test. Please remember the Armenian Genocide "Open Mind" assignment is due Monday. I've attached all materials needed for this project except the actual "open mind" template. I do not have an electronic copy of this.



Today we finished discussing the effects of the Treaty of Versailles. After that we reviewed for tomorrow's Unit VII (World War I) Exam. 



Today we discussed the end of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles. Due to the fact that we did not finish the Treaty of Versailles in class today we will finish it tomorrow and therefore, your WWI Test has been moved to Friday. 



Today I collected the trench letters. Next, students answered the questions on the "Armenian Genocide Packet Work" in complete sentences by looking at "Armenian Genocide German Telegram..." and "The Armenian NYT Articles". This was turned in with the HW from last night (Armenian Genocide reading and questions). Next, we started the "End of WWI". Lastly, I assigned everyone an Armenian Genocide survivor that you will do an "open head" with. Please see me for those directions, but the information you'll need for it is located below ("Armenian Testimonials"). 



Today we discussed "Total War" including propaganda posters. Lastly, we started working on the Armenian Genocide by taking notes and the reading and questions are HW due tomorrow. 



Today we discussed why the United States entered WWI. Next, I assigned the analysis of the Zimmerman Note/ Telegram (most students finished this in class). Lastly, I assigned the "Spanish Flu of 1918" for HW (read and answer questions in complete sentences). 



Today we watched clips from the film, "All Quiet on the Western Front". If you were absent today, please print out and read the attached document. Please hi-light/underline main  ideas and annotate the document. Turn this in when you return to school. Also, I forgot to give some of you the HW yesterday. If you have not done so, please read and answer the questions on the "Gallipoli Campaign". 



Today we went over our HW (ranking WWI weapons with justification). We then discussed the "Great War Goes Global" (attached). I then went over the Fall Final DBQ. The "Gallipoli Campaign" document is for HW, due tomorrow. 



Today we finished discussing Weapons of WWI. Next, we watched a brief video on the tank (see link). We then did a quick review on what we've learned thus far on WWI (not uploaded). Lastly, we began working on ranking the weapons of WWI from the most worst to the least worst.



Today we finished "Tactics and Battles" (initially started on Tuesday). Next I showed a WWI trenches scene from the film "Legends of the Fall". We then started discussing other "Weapons of WWI" and I showed a "dog fighting" scene (air battle between planes) from the film "Fly Boys". 



Today students worked on the attached information about the Weapons of WWI. They also read four different perspectives on WWI (page 423 of Textbook) and answered the three questions (bottom right corner of page 423) about those perspectives in complete sentences. If this was not completed in class it is to be finished for HW and turned in tomorrow. 



Today we continued discussing "Tactics and Battles" and finished through the Battles of Marne, Verdun, and Somme. I've also attached some related videos below. Lastly, please bring your textbook tomorrow for (easy) points!  :)



Today we discussed "Europe at War". Next, I assigned the attached WWI Writing Assignment: The Trench Letter/Essay, which is due January 24th. Lastly, we started, but only got through the first slide beyond the title slide, the attached PPT on Tactics and Battles of WWI. I also showed the attached video clips on trenches. 



Today we took the following notes. 



Today we finished the History's Mysteries activity on the spark that caused WWI. Please complete pages 3 and 4 of your packet for HW. Next, we discussed the "Crisis in the Balkans"; the tensions that led up to and eventually caused WWI to break out. I also gave out the WWI study guide for the WWI test which is planned for January 20th. 



Today we labeled and colored the attached map. Next, we started the activity on the spark that started WWI. I've attached the PPT. for this activity, although we'll finish it up tomorrow. 



Today we started Unit VII: World War I. We completed the Franco-Prussian War reading, discussed notes, and completed the 1914 Europe Map.