Geometry (Period 1) Assignments

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Notes Homework and Solutions are posted here while the sub is here.
CC 8 Probability Part 1 Venn Diagram
CC 8 Probability Part 2 Tree Diagram
CC 8 Probability Part 3 Two Way Table



Today we started our CC7 review by creating a formula page and trying it out on some problems.
Your CC 7 Mastery Check is on April 30th!



Here are the notes for the last topic in CC7 Arc Length and Sector Area.  The rest of next week is math state testing so we will be reviewing CC7 to get ready for the Mastery Check on April 30th!!



Today was the second part of circles and tangent lines in which we explore the lengths of intersecting tangent lines.  



Here is Circle Tangent Properties part 1 notes and 
Your quick check is on April 17th and your CC7 mastery check is on April 30th 



Today we review some of the properties of angles formed by tangents and secants around a circle.  The problems here are a little tricky to make sure you understand that the arcs that we use are the one inside the angles we are working with!
Here are some youtube videos on the subject.



Today April 11th, We used our knowledge about central angles and arcs and discovered relationships between tangents, secants, circles, and how the intercepted arc(s) relate to angles in, on, our outside the circle.
On tomorrows homework assignment I will post youtube videos that will have the relationships reexplained for those that want to review what we learned here.



Today 10th of April we had our second round of skills practice to see inscribed angles, central angles, and intercepted arcs in a problem.



Here is our first skills practice to see all the different ways inscribed angles and central angles could be hidden in a problem.  The practice will also review vocabulary.



Today we started CC7 Circle Geometry and we learned some basic vocabulary about circles, inscribed angle, and central angles.  



Here is the last review for the CC6 Test Polygon angles of regular and non-regular shapes.
Test is tomorrow!!



Here is part 2 of 3 for our CC6 Mastery Check on surface area.  Please look to previous posts for videos that could help if you need to catch up.  Let me know your questions in class and remember our goal to make sure we head off to spring break on a good note!!



This Thursday the 21st is when the CC6 Mastery Check will occur.  The main 3 parts of the test will include Polygons and their related angles, how to find surface area, and volume.  
Today as part of our review for the test we went over the misconceptions from last weeks quick check on volume and hopefully what we did today cleared some things up.
Work hard so you can play hard over break!!!



Today we went over the concept of what volume was and how it was different that surface area in terms of units.  
Our notes filled out and answers to the practice are here below.



Here are the notes we covered and the practice problems that cover surface areas.
Here are some videos that are similar to the method we did in class.
If you want to be able to find some the surface areas a little faster you can use the perimeter of the base.  Here is a video of how it is done.
Good Luck and Work Hard!!!



Today we did CC6 composite area so here the notes and homework solutions.
Here is a good video that explains what we did in class if you still need some help



Here is part two of the notes on area where we remind you of the area formula for a circle, and show you more composite area formulas.  This time the composite area formulas have circles in them.
Here are few videos to remind you about how to do it.



Here we start our next Concept Category (CC6) which involves circles, polynomial angles, and surface area and volumes of various solids.
We start with polynomial angles so here are the notes and solutions to the worksheet we did today.



Here is part three of the CC5 Mastery Check review.  I have given you more or less that practice that will help you do well on the test.  This review is more practice to do the DOK 3 level proofs that involve Quadrilaterals, Congruent Triangles, and the CPCTC concept.



Here are the answer for the CC5 Mastery Check Review Part 1 and Part 2.  Your Test is this Thursday so make sure you get the help you need during Centaur Plus!



Here are the answer for the CC5 Mastery Check Review Part 1.  Your Test is this Thursday so make sure you get the help you need during Centaur Plus!



Here are the notes for the Kite that we created together in class as we discovered properties from the geogebra program on the chromebooks.  
Also included is the practice for kites and trapezoids with keys.



Today in class we went over the definition and properties of a trapezoid.  We explored on the chromebooks the properties of the trapezoid.
Here is the website we went to

Attached are the filled in notes, homework and key to the homework with work shown in addition to the answers.  Remember Thursday the 28th is your CC5 Mastery Test!



Today was our 2nd/3rd day on using special quadrilaterals in proofs.  Attached is the work we did in class.
If you are stuck, try listing out the properties of the various special shapes like parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, or square to see what might be useful.  Remember most of the proofs we do in this class will also involve triangle congruence and CPCTC.  
Also to help you out for some of the problems I put the statements and reasons for some of the proofs in a mixed up way so you can try to sort them so at least you know what pieces you are using in a proof.
Tomorrow we move onto our last two shapes for this CC, trapezoid and kites!



Today we practiced finding angles and side lengths in rhombus, rectangles, and squares to help us with algebraic problems that involve the properties of these shapes.  



Here is the coordinate practice for rectangles, rhombus, and square. Also posted is the full graphic organizer for the parallelogram family.



Today we went over rhombus properties using basic algebra.  We also started to map out parallelograms and rhombuses in a flow chart.  
So posted here is the answers to the rhombus worksheet for you to check your work.  



The Error Analysis for Mastery Check CC4 is due on the 14th of Feburary.
For the test similar questions for the different levels can be found here.
DOK1 questions like the ones found on Triangle Congruence Statement worksheet
DOK2 Congruence Practice Booklet Key and CC4 Error Analysis Bisectors (Dien Data)
DOK3 Error Analysis Parallel Lines (look at the 4 proofs #2-5)
Some Helpful Videos



Here are the notes for parallelogram proof and the homework and key.  Please sign up for centuar plus if you want some help with these proofs!



Here are the notes of our first special quadrilateral we are learning about, the parallelogram.  The notes contain the properties of the parallelogram and the ways we can prove a 4 sided shape is a parallelogram.  
The homework involves stating what properties you are using and then working out various variables using algebra.  
The second part of the homework is to do work out a coordinate proof and show whether or not a for sided shape is a parallelogram.  



The Mastery Check for CC4 is this coming Tuesday so continue to prepare and come on Monday with any additional questions you have. 
This week we went over questions you had about writing proofs and we tried to address common mistakes.  
For the test similar questions for the different levels can be found here.
DOK1 questions like the ones found on Triangle Congruence Statement worksheet
DOK2 Congruence Practice Booklet Key and CC4 Error Analysis Bisectors (Dien Data)
DOK3 Error Analysis Parallel Lines (look at the 4 proofs #2-5)
Some Helpful Videos



This was a practice test created by Mr. Stuckey.  If you can do this you are well on your way to doing well on Tuesday's test.  Work Hard!!!



Here is the competition information that I told you about in class that related to the Linguistics Competition.  
The North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO). NACLO is an annual pencil and paper contest in which students use analytical skills to solve puzzles in languages that they do not know. In the course of solving the puzzles, students learn something about the structure of human languages and how computers can process them. The contest introduces students to possible careers in linguistics, languages, and computer science.
There are no registration fees to enter NACLO and we provide parking and waiting areas for parent chaperones (with coffee/water/wifi). The exam is Thursday, January 24, from 9 am until noon at USC's Information Sciences Institute in Marina del Rey (note: not on USC's main campus). We ask participants to arrive at 8:30 so we get prepared to start at 9. Registration is at
Students who do well in the first round will be invited back to the second round in March, where the problems will be more difficult. The top students from the second round will be invited to the international competition in South Korea later this year.
So if this interests you sign up!!!



Today we went over the CC4 Quick check and looked at the common errors on the test.  
Also posted is a part 4 of our notes which covers the basics parts of the proofs we do in this class including the Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent, or C.P.C.T.C.
It has some problems for you to try so make sure you know how to do them by Wednesday!
Lastly here are some helpful videos about CPCTC
Enjoy your 4 day break but do a little work please!



Today we went over how to transition from a flow chart proof into a 2 column proof.  Remember that if statement B depends on statement A then statement A should come before statement B in a 2 column proof.
Also attached here are the types of things we will use in our triangle proofs to keep things manageable for you.
Important Dates
1/16/19 CC4 Quick Check
1/29/19 CC4 Mastery Check



Today we went over the first way to do proofs, a flow chart proof.
This is a quick visual way to connect ideas together and justify each step.  This will lead us to a 2 column proof tomorrow.



Today we learned of the other three congruence theorems, SSS, SAS, and HL
Tomorrow we will look at flow chart proofs.



Today we continued our work with ASA and AAS triangle congruence.  We have given you some additional problems to try to work through to help you see the different given information and make congruence conclusions.  



Today we started our next Concept Category and it involves Triangle congruence.  Posted here is the notes we took in class along with the answers to the worksheet.